yogibella Member


  • ^thanks Mary:flowerforyou: gotta keep working on my handstands! (short arms too) those drop backs look brutal...! I may have asked you this before but what are best ways to strengthen oneself for getting into wheel? Once I get into it, I can do it but lifting myself up is a struggle sometimes. I use a wall, chair legs etc.…
  • Congrats!! That's an EXCELLENT finish time & what an improvement too! *high-5*
  • ^^^^^^yes! this too:)
  • yes, I visualize getting into a handstand when I do it. It's more the landing (jump back)...I'm assuming that you're supposed to land lightly onto your toes? Even some of the Yoga Journal videos shows people thumping down on their toes?
  • I think I know what you're saying: from forward fold, planting your hands down and jumping straight into chaturanga? as part of vinyasa usually? yes, I want to be able to "float" more into it too! question: I've seen ashtanga students float beautifully and lightly (it of course doesn't feel so light...lol) into chaturanga…
  • ^^totally agree! But seriously, I hope more men would see the benefits of yoga and get over the fact that it`s something that only women do. I AM seeing more men of all different shapes and sizes starting yoga so it's a great sign:) I also have to say that my running group is mostly women too. Nobody is looking at the…
  • Hello! Congrats on your weight loss OP! I too started running with the discovery of MFP and C25K, then 10K and now I've just started a 16-week half-marathon run clinic at a local shop. I do feel like a newbie still and I thought a half might be too fast too soon but really I just couldn't stop after finishing my 10K…
  • I do mostly evening simply because it is the most convenient time for me and it's when all my fave classes are offered at the yoga studio. So it does work well for me. Are you just looking for some time to squeeze some yoga in or looking to wind down at the end of the day? There are many times that I don't have the energy…
  • I'm planning on a 10K in April and if all goes well a 1/2 in June! Still a newbie to races so love to meet fellow runners. Feel free to add:smile:
  • Hey I'm in Vancouver too & I totally know about living with the rain! How long are your runs? I have to admit that I run mostly in light rain/drizzle and avoid the heavy downpour, unless it's a shorter run. Then I just brave it and expect a hot bath & a load of laundry afterwards:) I too run in a cap, light water resistant…
  • Yin are the philosophers? I think I'm an Ashtangi but will forever be a student! Wow so many styles & schools to learn still....
  • I'm so immature, I giggled at your title. But then I read your post and I think you went about it in a very mature manner. No, this is not typical, in yoga or otherwise and you're not over-reacting. I think as a professional, your teacher acted very inappropriately. As a married woman, she needs to grow up and deal with…
  • Just like the article, I think it depends on your definition of "fitness". I absolutely believe that you can be get fit, healthy and strong by yoga alone and make improvements on them by challenging yourself. I know I can feel just great on yoga itself. That being said though, I started cross-training this year and I find…
  • there are so many goals... but the ones that make me really happy to accomplish are all the handstand, headstand, elbow and arm balance poses. and work on my binds.... :) I too would love to get more into doing the Ashtanga primary series!
  • When you guys say "chanting", do you mean like traditional sanskrit chants? Or just 'Om's'? The only place I've experienced chants were in a traditional Ashtanga workshop because it's part of the series/practice or by a teacher who was leading a specific spiritual class. As for the Om's, I always find them fascinating…
  • I have seen that video too and it is indeed inspiring! I do believe that yoga is the answer to everything..:wink:
  • I guess that what I'm trying to say! :smile:
  • I agree with a lot of the things mentioned above. I've had mostly good teachers and although I now seem to choose classes based on style and challenge, I do have my favourites:) Definitely, I appreciate teachers who pay attention to what the students are actually doing -- who walk around giving adjustments when necessary,…
  • that's awesome! not only am I maintaining muscle mass, I'm gaining them I find, especially in the shoulders, back & abs. I also run & do yoga. I have pecs for the first time in my life! :happy:
  • Thanks so much for sharing OP! It goes to prove once again that everybody is different and that there is no 'one way fits all' solution. I have to admit that when I first got on MFP, I got caught up on all the numbers, stats, calculators, etc. until I drove myself nuts...but I had an inkling that I was not the 'average'…
  • wow that Scorpion pose is just beautiful! Which one is Bird of Paradise?
  • thought I'd revive this thread:) Are you working on any specific poses? Right now I'm working on my forearm stand...I'd eventually like to be able to do it without the wall or someone holding my ankles:smile: Feathered Peacock Pose:
  • I know what you mean! I usually wear mine in pigtails or double braids and luckily still get away with it...lol:P And just a pin or headband for the stragglers. I have had several hair transitions and it still seem to work with layers. I also wear it in a low pony (by the neck) and that seems to help too when lying down.…
  • ^Very well said! I used to worry about rain at first too but after having done several drenched runs, I'll take cool rain over sizzling heat any day. Just make sure to have a good running cap/hat. Last time, it started pouring unexpectedly and rain & sunscreen kept running into my eyes. I had to keep windshield-wiping my…
  • That MFP yoga burn is just for a generic hatha yoga I think and it does depend so much on your fitness level, experience, etc . In the beginning I guesstimated my burns by comparing it to other exercises that I was doing in terms of effort--walking, running, spinning etc. because every class is so different. I now have an…
  • Just joined the B210K group! : http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/526-bridge-to-10k
  • Is that the one by Zen Labs? It's the only one I can find too. I'll give that a whirl:) @sarahqt2012 - yup, I gotta start seriously thinking about running races too. It's amazing how our motivation differs by having concrete goals:) (btw, big congrats on your weight loss!!)
  • When you started it over, did you do anything differently? Actually it might be interesting to do it over but running on the walking portions and running faster on the actual run portions? I might start incorporating B210K runs 1x week while trying to keep up with 5k runs. Keeping it up is harder than I thought...hopefully…
  • Awesome! Congrats on your very first race!! As you say, you now have a PB to beat:)
  • hi @krawles - I used it to track all my runs but just for the time/distance/pace portion and used podcasts for the actual program. (the c25k app I have was just ok for me) I haven't upgraded to Endomondo Pro version yet, which allows you to put in intervals and other goals I think:) I wouldn't take the calories burned too…