I had a gluten allergy/intolerance test but nothing came up. In fact all my bloods always come up healthy yet my bowels tell a different story!
2 weeks is not normal! You must've been in agony, you poor thing! When I couldn't go for 2 weeks I was given some laxedo. Have you seen a different doc instead? I don't know any cleanses sorry.
At this point I will only be able to eat lettuce, and I hate lettuce haha. Even fruit now I'm very sensitive to. Had 2 strawberries earlier and wasn't long before I had griping pain. Glad you found the problem :)
Hello :) thanks so much for the suggestions! Staying at a b&b 10 minute walk from the centre
Thanks for your responses everyone! Took me years to realise dairy triggered mine. As I get older, it seems I'm becoming more and more intolerant to different foods, it sucks! Sometimes it seems like my body is rejecting food for the sake of it. Anxiety is another big factor. I get gasitris often due to chronic anxiety.…
I don't gush over animals. In fact I'm nervous around them yet I still don't want to eat them. I'm mainly doing it for environmental reasons for the fact the meat and dairy industry is not sustainable.
Veggie / vegan. I don't always have access to vegan food sadly so I do my best.
You all sound fabulous! :)
Same :) I'd say I'm 75% vegan ATM.
I've never heard of that before, so pass. Pickled onions
Hehe :D it's all good.. Unless you breathe loud :P
The sound of other people breathing.
Thank you mr butt :) what anime is your pic from?
Nope. HYE bungee jumped?
Yay thanks people for replying :) I've added you all.
Hi I'm not a nurse but I'm an aspiring vegan. I can send you lots of love & support though :)
Hellooo :) I'd love to be your friend. I'm not a strict vegan, admittedly with it comes to food. I'd say I'm 75% vegan most of the time due to accessibility. How do you do?
I'm too lazy to exercise. I'm not your average anorexic ha. I have no control over my binges, it feels like someone has taken over me. Glad you are on the right track, best of luck <3.
Thank you. I have no problem with not eating enough ha. All through my anorexia I've gorged on chocolate. Just swapped chocolate for meals.
That is so wonderful to hear, I am happy for you ^_^. Lots of people have advised me to do yoga but I'm the type of perfectionist who won't try anything out of fear of failure.
Really kind of you <3. Hope you overcame your ED. Since trying to recover though, I've ended up binging. Hope all is well with you :).
Thank you, I do have my own dietician. I've had her for over 2 years but I only get to see her once every 6 weeks so I have to fight on my own most of the time.
I don't want to put on too much weight. A month ago I put on 6lbs from binging. I only get weighed once every 6 weeks so it's really hard to tell.
Thank you! So in other words once I reach that weight in 5 weeks by eating X amount of calories, I'd have to up my calories for the next amount of weeks?