doda14 Member


  • I'm struggling too in a similar fashion to your GF, though I've pushed through 21 days, seeing no number changes, but feeling really great. I really appreciate your comment (BarryH) and think it's right on the money. I've got a wonderful life and want to enjoy it!
  • I'm a few weeks new too. I've found that you should spend a few days eating what you would normally eat - LOG EVERYTHING. I was amazed how the calories added up. I learned a lot just seeing the reality of the numbers. After seeing what I normally ate, I saw my portions were really out of wack. I've been able to make better…
  • I don't feel like I have to cheat, because I don't feel like I'm on a diet. As long as you log the calories and work them off - what's the fuss? After eating really well for 3 straight weeks, we had a holiday party at our house. Instead of feeling like I was falling off the wagon - I decided to log every bit of what I…