Cheat day

Is really okay to have a cheat day or have a treat if you actually eat the serving size????

I've been MIA from MFP for about 3 months and I'm trying to get back on track. Exercise isn't the problem for me it's the food!! I eat veggies but could stand to eat more fruit. SUGAR is my weakness.


  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I don't cheat. I think if you have a pretty good metabolism and weight comes off pretty easily, you can. But I have none of the above, so I stay with the program. The trick for me is a big salad for lunch - fils me up and I don't crave snacks.
  • lessac
    lessac Posts: 105 Member
    Will you be able to control your sweet tooth and not lose control and let the cheat day carry on to the day after and then to the day after and so on? If you're absolutely sure that you can, and if you won't regret your cheat day, and if your body can handle the excessive peak of sugar, then go ahead. Usually it takes time to control the sweet tooth and you may end up binging after the first bite. Been there, done that.
  • toydnls
    toydnls Posts: 12 Member
    I hear ya! Thanks for your input!! I will give it some thought.
  • lessac
    lessac Posts: 105 Member
    Good luck!

    Counting to 50, 100 (or whatever works for you) may help to change your focus. At least it helps some of my friends.
    I usually prefer black coffee when I crave for sugar, followed by a cup of water. That's enough to have my mind forget about the cravings but if I develop some caffeine addiction... Well, I'll deal with that later :smokin:
    Trick your mind into something else you enjoy like music or movies. Get distracted!

    I do give myself treats but only when I'm sure that I won't lose control. Makes them all more precious and tastier :drinker:
  • toydnls
    toydnls Posts: 12 Member
    I am addicted to coffee now. smh. i'm 34 and just started drinking it earlier this year! lol
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    Cheat days work for me do it!
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    I don't think of it as cheating. If you want to eat a piece of cake or pie or whatever for the holiday, and you feel hungry and did not "overdo" it so far, go for it! Are you never going to eat a dessert ever again? What will you do after you reach your weight loss goal?

    I'd rather eat moderately, allowing for the occasional treat, and lose weight slowly than be on a strict "diet" only to put the weight back on when I start eating "normally" again.
  • doda14
    doda14 Posts: 3 Member
    I don't feel like I have to cheat, because I don't feel like I'm on a diet. As long as you log the calories and work them off - what's the fuss? After eating really well for 3 straight weeks, we had a holiday party at our house. Instead of feeling like I was falling off the wagon - I decided to log every bit of what I indulged in. Admittedly, I hit the gym hard the day before and after.... After logging the cookies and chips, A) I felt sick, B) looking at the calories, it wasn't really worth all that extra hard work. So even though some treats remain in the house, I'm not feeling the need. I feel good - And like I tell my 4 year old to do - I'm making happy choices again:)

    So enjoy the holidays & log those calories :) Best of Luck!
  • lessac
    lessac Posts: 105 Member
    Make sure you have enough water for it's easy to get dehydrated when drinking coffee becomes a habit. It's a strong diuretic so especially if you also workout, have a glass of water before/after/while drinking coffee. (Which will make you feel even more full!)
  • I enjoy my cheat days, it doesn't seem to stop my weight loss, missing exercise kind of stalls me out though. I think having a day where you don't feel deprived of something special but not go nutty on it, is fine. From everything I've read 1 day for something you don't normally have that you really love or like won't sabbotage your efforts but may even help you to stay on track the other 6 days that you are so diciplined. Make sense?

    That's my philosophy and it works for me. :glasses:
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    I used to call it a cheat day but not any more. I usually do Thursday cause that's the day I weigh in, but what I do now is get what I want within reason and make sure I still log it in and stay within my calories for the day. I used to just eat what I wanted that day but then i felt icky all night and I don't like feeling like that.

    I have found this past week that I can control my portions even when it is something I LOVE!! We were on vacation and went to a locally owend restaurant that serves deliscious buffalo wings, (I am originally from NY outside of Buffalo), I looked stuff up before we went and made sure I had the calories to have two wings. Normally I would have eaten 10 or more, but having the two, eaten slowly, satisfied me. There were some left over and I soooo wanted another one or two, but knew that I if I ate them I would have to log them and it would put me over. I was so proud of myself. =)

    So know that if you plan ahead you can enjoy almost anything you enjoy. It does take some work but seeing my results and the way I feel makes it so worthwhile. You have to do what works for you. The advice on MFP is awesome and I love going thur it all and making it work for me. Good Luck!!
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    oops double post!!
  • I don't think of it as cheating. If you want to eat a piece of cake or pie or whatever for the holiday, and you feel hungry and did not "overdo" it so far, go for it! Are you never going to eat a dessert ever again? What will you do after you reach your weight loss goal?

    I'd rather eat moderately, allowing for the occasional treat, and lose weight slowly than be on a strict "diet" only to put the weight back on when I start eating "normally" again.
