

  • where are you going to calculate your bmr , ive tried a few calculators and get very different figures , need a fairly accurate one Thanks
  • This is a nice way to spend a Saturday morning :tongue:
  • Thats funny , I craved ice really badly during my second pregnancy , I never linked the 2 things until Id had my son by which time it was too late to rectify it Im surprised it was never picked up on Its a weird one isnt it , seems no reason why the body lacking in iron would crave ice I was even sucking on them during my…
  • Im loving mfp too Weasey, the food tracker is awesome I think most of my hunger was my mind rebelling against denying myself , Im not very good at being told what to do and I have little will power , so not a good combination
  • I went shopping for food today wow I need things I can snack on that wont send me over the edge carb wise , and have to get used to grabbing these things , instead of the old habits of reaching for cake , biscuit, toast or cereal So , have come home with eggs , pickled eggs , hesseys sausages , pickled beetroot, cottage…
  • Its weird isnt it ? I do understand the value of vlcd and ketosis and Im sure for some people it works great But I never really experienced the lack of hunger or the euphoria and energy that people report I just seem to slip in and out of ketosis quite easily and I have awful headaches with it I also found I was having 2…