Hazelthecat11 Member


  • I just finished my first a few hours ago!!! I only have a little experience but I learned a lot!
  • I sure do! I have always looked at the website Spark People. It is a wonderful website that gives amazing information on diet and exercise! They are also on YouTube where they give free work outs! I did a jump out work out with their YouTube video what about gave me a heart attack the other day! The website is a lot like…
  • That's an awesome routine! Doing cardio through out the day is a great way to keep burning calories! Once you step off the tread mill the major calorie burning stops so doing it through out the day is great! Your'e really giving your metabolism a good boost!
  • Honestly, getting up every morning to work out is a struggle for me as well. The only thing I like about working out, is being done with it! I love the post work out feeling! I am a morning work out person because I have no motivation at the end of a work day to go to the gym. I have found getting it over with before I do…
  • Well it seems like your cardio is right on track with what you should be doing to lose weight and get in better health! Good job! If you have joint or knee problems water work outs for cardio are the best for you. You get the same benefits but almost no strain on muscles, bones, or joints! Once you lose more weight, you…
  • Awesome tip! I have never heard of oatmeal flour but I am going to try it! I have used quinoa flour in the past and it was ok but I think I would like oatmeal flour instead!
  • Planks will really help back and core muscles! Try to hold a plank as long as you can! It will hurt and it will suck! But the more you do it the more strength you will gain in your back muscles.
  • Here are the two resources I use and where to buy them. http://www.amazon.com/Body-Sculpting-Bible-Women-Third/dp/1578264014 This book has awesome work out routines in the back and every excercise that are in the routines are illustrated and explained throughout the book. http://fitdeck.com/default.aspx These are exercise…
  • i HAD THE SAME ISSUE! I think a lot of my problem with eating at night is that was my only down time. I would get bored and I always confused boredom with hunger. I would say if you have to snack and I sometimes have to! I just go for fruits or veggies. Right now I am on a grape kick! i CONSTANTLY snack on grapes at night.…