SWFrick Member


  • Not a huge fan of partner WOD's because I always feel like I'm the one slowing the partner down.
  • Crossfit Greatones Margate FL (About 20 minutes North of Ft Lauderdale) http://crossfitgreatones.com/
  • WOD A Dead lifts 5 205/135 Wall Climbs 4 20 sec between Dead lift and wall climbs 3Rounds Then 2 minute rest.. WOD B Double under 40 Scale 120 singles KB Swings 20 55/35 HSPU 10 Run 800 m HSPU 10 KB Swings 20 55/35 Double Under 40 Scale 120 singles
  • I'm on the road every week and stop in at various boxes all the time, I use this website for locating boxes http://map.crossfit.com/ Once I find a box i will look on their web-site to see what kind of WOD's they are doing, if it's something I can do in a hotel room I'll save the $20.00 and just workout at the hotel but if…
  • Solid WOD yesterday Bar Facing Burpees 60 OHS 30 95/45 Ring Rows 10 Take 2 min rest Dead lifts 10 55% of max Dead lifts 9 65% of max Dead lifts 6 75% of max Dead lifts 8 80% of max Dead lifts 6 85% of max Dead lifts 4 90% of max
  • Feel free to add.... In a few more weeks you'll be buying the Buck Furpees shirts etc..... then Wod-Killer socks then adding the Pinterest crossfit boards...it's a process, enjoy!
  • Way to go!
  • You can try Zoom The List, it will allow you to search for specific items. The top of the list will be Amazon & E-Bay but towards the bottom is the Craigslist postings. http://zoomthelist.com/
  • 4 set rest 1 min between sets Med ball clean 12 T2B 12 WOD 5 Rounds Deadlift 7 275/185 Air Squats 30 Handstands Pushups 7
  • This is what's in store for the evening Wall Ball Shots 20 Push Press 14 135/95 Kettlebell swings 20 53/35 Thrusters 14 135m/95w Ring dips 20 Power Snatch 14 135/95 Hang Cleans 14 135/95 Handstands Pushups 20 Burpees plate shots 14
  • I think my box shares the same mutant with your box...... We have one guys that just destroys every WOD.
  • I've been using Workout Hero, I think it cost a couple of dollars but it's packed with lots of stuff...from timers to random WOD generators. http://www.workoutheroapp.com/Workout_Hero/Home.html
  • @wswilliams67 I've followed your box's Instagram feed for a while, looks like a great place.
  • I bought the book several years ago and went through about 6 months of the workouts, from there I've been through Power Training, Huge In A Hurry and Maximum Strength. This past fall I returned to NROL for a second time. Depending on what your goals are, fat loss, strength etc.... this book seems to address them. The…
  • I've used kettlebells off an on for the last few years. The down side is that they can expensive. I can across a $10.00 alternative to make a T-Bar for kettlebell swings. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/tim-ferriss-superhuman-kettlebell.htm
  • Along the lines of what RonSwanson66 is asking..what are you goals? size, strength, explosiveness. Some times, especially with the Bench Press, it could be other muscles being weaker that's limiting your progress..or your form...or not enough rest between workouts...or too much volume and some times it just takes a while.…
  • I'm 47 and was recently wondering the same thing. I've done (4) 5k's in the last year and my time is always right about the same. That being said I've been a PowerLifter for years and running was just something that I didn't do. As I've gotten older and at my doctors suggestion I've been moving to lighter weights and…
  • I did (3) in 2011 (one 2 weeks ago) and plan to do another in January 2012. They are a blast! Like they say Mud, Sweat & Beer.......
  • Wow! great work!