dawsonsed Member


  • Katy, you sound like an incredible person to have overcome so much so young. You can do this, and best of luck. Add me as a friend if you'd like - I'd like to follow your story!
  • LOL - my mom said I should store all my fat clothes under my bed. "Honey you might want to keep those clothes for when you'll need them again..."
  • I'm so sorry! I got all excited and didn't carefully read the post - you were talking about Zumba for the WII - a friend of mine has this and loves it, and it's a lot of fun - not as hard as the classes, but really great for a first timer, and just feels like you're playing a game!. I'm sorry for the mistake, though!
    in zumba Comment by dawsonsed January 2012
  • I love Zumba - I go four times a week! I'm really not a terribly coordinated person, but honestly, just stick with it, and the dances are pretty easy to follow, and they get easier with time. But it's such fun, and a great workout, and you don't really even notice you're working hard. The class atmosphere is great too -…
    in zumba Comment by dawsonsed January 2012
  • Fantastic! You inspire me every day, my friend!