
I have never tried zumba before but I am thinking of getting zumba 2 for the wii. Has anybody tried this? I would like to know what you think about it before I get it. Thanks x :flowerforyou:


  • larnic
    larnic Posts: 6
    I recommend the first one it is much easier
  • dawsonsed
    dawsonsed Posts: 5 Member
    I love Zumba - I go four times a week! I'm really not a terribly coordinated person, but honestly, just stick with it, and the dances are pretty easy to follow, and they get easier with time. But it's such fun, and a great workout, and you don't really even notice you're working hard. The class atmosphere is great too - the people around push you to keep going, and challenge you to do more. Also, it's customizable. If I'm feeling tired, I can step touch, if not I can jump. I won't lie - I felt like a complete idiot the first time, but everyone else does, too, so it's no big deal. Try it out, and I'll look forward to hearing what you think!
  • LolaGotThin
    LolaGotThin Posts: 111 Member
    Just got it but haven't tried it. I flipped through the booklet though! It comes with a waist belt for the controller since it judges your movement based on your hips. The more accurate your moves are, the more videos and stuff you unlock.
  • dawsonsed
    dawsonsed Posts: 5 Member
    I'm so sorry! I got all excited and didn't carefully read the post - you were talking about Zumba for the WII - a friend of mine has this and loves it, and it's a lot of fun - not as hard as the classes, but really great for a first timer, and just feels like you're playing a game!.

    I'm sorry for the mistake, though!
  • avimoo
    avimoo Posts: 67 Member
    thanks everybody! I am going to give it a try x
  • Yes, I have . I love Zumba. A friend downloaded the live version for me, so I can do it at home. The curves by me has zumba but it is only offered to members. The Zumba live is 52 minutes. So, I do burn some good calories. It's a lot of fun. I'm not a good dancer so It took a while for me to get the steps down. I still miss some steps, but I just go with it.
  • LorahJo
    LorahJo Posts: 151 Member
    I've tried the Zumba for the Wii .. I bought it for my Mum for Xmas

    I have the Zumba for Xbox Kinect and that realllllly gives me a good workout .. what I've tried and seen from the Wii version it does give a good workout however the moves do not have to be AS accurate as the kinect for it to recognise each move.

    I would advise you to start with the first Zumba the tunes are nice and catchy and really get you in the mood. :)
  • Any clue how to get Zumba and Drums Alive added to the MyFitnessPal exercise options to estimate calories burned in an hour class at the gym? Thanks!
  • When I do it I use this: http://www.zumbacalories.com/ then I create my own exercise.

    Edited to add: That one is for Zumba Fitness class or how many Zumba calories you burned at home with your Zumba Wii Fit, Zumba Fitness Party for XBox 360 or Zumba Fitness for PS3.
  • Natz_20
    Natz_20 Posts: 62 Member
    zumab is great!! i would recommend going to a class first so that you get a feel for it and its cheaper than forking out all that money for a game that you may not like. The class will give you the real feel and you can decide from there.

    I go to two classes a week and also have zumba for the kinect. I find the one for the kinect better than the wii as it is more accurate and you need to do it accurately to unlock more songs. My friend has the one for the wii and finds problems with the belts staying on.

    All in all zumba is a great workout and you will really enjoy it!

  • I have the 1st one - have to get the 2nd. Loved the 1st one
  • maryblck
    maryblck Posts: 8 Member
    that what I used also. I just did a Zumba class last night and in one hour I burned 968 calories! Zumba is a awesome workout, whether on a game system or a class. I don't have it for the wii, I have the demo for the Kinect and in just 5 mins I will be sweating a lot! Hope you enjoy your game and if you ever get a chance, try out a class, i have been told it is completely different!
  • I love Zumba-really love it. Tried it about 1 1/2 years ago and found the right instructors-that's important, as it is with any thing you are learning or any class. I wouldn't miss it. I had always been great about weight training and working out, but found cardio boring and when I decided, after seeing pics of me on my vacation in France 2 years ago, that it was time to lose some weight and show off my muscles, I knew I had to do more cardio. This website has really helped me as I didn't know the calories of anything and it makes me realize how much I'm eating and how much I can eat and adjust my food and exercise accordingly. I've lost 23 pounds and look really good-especially for being in my mid 50s. I'm in the best shape I've been in since childhood. The energy in my zumba class is incredible and I get so many endorphins I smile for the rest of the day. Go for it. Don't be afraid you can't keep up-you'll be right in the swing of things in zumba within 2 weeks. Enjoy-it's like dancing, but you are burning calories, getting your heart pumping and getting fit. I even quit smoking after 35 years and lost weight doing it-how bout it?
  • Zumba on the wii is fab , but going to do Zumba for real is even better!!
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    Zumba 2 for the Wii will be easier if you have done their DVDs IMO. i think 2 is a cleaner looking game. the characters tend to look a lil stiff sometimes... but there is a training part to it i think.. u can check that out.

    i love it though... good luck
  • I do Zumba for WII 4 days a week and i love it. The more you follow the more bonus points you get. It keeps you motivated and is lots of fun!! I have Zumba 2 also but i haven't tried it yet cuz i am working my way through the first one. It is the only thing that i have been able to stick to doing at home and beleive me..i am dripping in sweat evry time i do it! Good luck!!
  • a_new_mary
    a_new_mary Posts: 3 Member
    I have taken Zumba classes it's a workout for sure! I have the Wii game haven't used it....same way I have other workout DVD's and games that haven't used, which is sad cause I was going to buy some more today SMH! I decided I will be use what I have on hand before I keep buying stuff...using a boxing one today .....good luck with the zumba game if you get it, I'm sure you'll enjoy it!