Congratulations on all your hard work and dedication! You look so happy!
Now Obtaining Better Underground Subways B W A Y S
Bite Mark
As You Insist New Games NSIST
Of Convenience They Offer Resling S L I N G
A Crocodile Kills Indefinitely Now O D I L E
I just finished all 3 seasons of Good Girls on Netflix - loved it but now I'm in the market for something new.
The Ice For Now Offends O F F E N
Oh the things I learned the hard way since I started cycling about 10 years ago could fill a stadium, and it's always changing. And then started doing centuries and longer, then I started racing, then I started doing CX, and then I started mountain biking and lately I've taken on gravel biking and every time there was so…
Did you know I feel the same way about my daughter and all her fancy honors calculus this semester?
Time Machine
Fondue Pot
Butter braid
Tough Guy
:D :D :D My bestie would get a flat every time we rode. Changed many flats on the side of the road. Couldn't figure it out. Finally changed out the rim tape and that fixed it. Now when we ride we point out all the places where we've changed flats as a nice tour down memory lane.
I have no problems installing tubeless on my bike. My husband does it and I close the door to the garage so I don't have to hear him swearing. :p But don't listen to him, he loves working on bikes. I don't ride power on my MTB because I'm afraid of a crash being even more costly in breaking my PM and I'm too cheap to buy…
Was it enough rain that you could swim down your street?
I can't remember the last time I had to change a tire. I run tubeless in my MTB and bow at the alter of Stan's. Yesterday right when I was about to leave to meet my friend for a ride she texts us and says she just pulled a rock out of her tire while pumping up and there was a hole and it's leaking so instead of riding she…
Why does it have to snow again tonight?
To get out of the 190's. Weight finally started moving again the last couple of weeks and I'm lower than I've been in over a year. 1.3 to go.
This is my understanding as well. Dr. Stacy T. Sims, wrote ROAR and her battle cry is "Women are not Small Men" and states that most studies done on nutrition and training are done on men and don't work the same on women. She is very against IF for women. But I know there are women that swear by it. I usually don't eat for…
Thank you! I've got myself a shopping list now!
That's cool! I wanted to add some words to a picture I was coloring and got some books on lettering from the library but they really weren't what I was looking for. I wanted to learn how to do fonts and this was all crafty stuff. Any suggestions?
Thanks! Definitely takes me out of my head and they are very time consuming. And, bonus, it keeps my hands busy so I'm not snacking. Those were just some of my favorites. There are others where I do get extremely frustrated. Like the one I'm doing now. Colors aren't right so I'm using it as a practice piece now to figure…
Adult Coloring 😃
I never thought I would get one. My primary form of exercise is bike riding and so the whole step counting thing didn't work. No credit given for bike riding. Then a couple of years ago I had to give up the bike for a bit and I started doing more hiking so I broke down and got one. My husband talked me in to upgrading to…
Just finished weights and abs. It's looking nice out so hoping to take the dog for a walk at the dog park after I finish my lunch.
I used it yesterday and it was a little awkward but I got it. I like it showing me different exercise ideas w/ videos to change it up. I struggled with, and ultimately gave up, on a superset build and just logged them separately. I'm not sold on it yet. I'll give it a few more tries.
Yesterday was a pair of tighty whites on the side of the road though more of a pink shade. Asked my husband who was behind me if they were his. He denied it.