

  • Hi there :) I'm 27 and happy for anyone to add me! A lot of what I'm doing here is to lose weight but also to help my own mental health, so we have similar goals :) i also love to cook and make up my own recipes a lot of the time. I'm vegetarian so, it's mostly healthy vegetable-based dishes and I'd be glad to share ideas…
  • Hi :) I saw this as well and did a bit of research into CRON. I've heard of it before and considered it a few years ago, but wasn't sure. I bought a couple of books on it too, so I'm going to read through those and maybe give it a try. I never do anything without reading about it first, such a geek XD lol x
  • Yeah, I was diagnosed anorexic when I was 14 but it's turned into bulimia since then (more in the past 5 years). I think it began as pure overeating and then developed from there. I just want to be able to eat and not feel bad for it! We will both be fine though :) It takes time but it's more than doable. Good luck lovely…
    in Hello! Comment by jellyboots August 2012