
Hi there, I've had an account for a while but never really used it. Now I am determined!

My goal is a little bit different in that I am bulimic and I'm attempting to recover, so this is helping me (I hope) to eat "normally" and encourage me to eat rather than to restrict because the calorie plan seems straight forward enough :3

I would also like to lose some weight as a year of binging has seen me put on a bit, but that's not as important as getting my eating habits back on track!

Otherwise, I'm really friendly, so come say hi! I like animals, video games, going to the gym, reading and drawing.

Feel free to add me as a friend! ^_^


  • amsthegreat
    amsthegreat Posts: 228 Member
    I used to be anorexic, so I know what you mean about getting your eating habits on track. I never really recovered from it. Instead, I went in the opposite direction and started over-eating. I think that we will both be successful in losing unwanted weight once we get our eating habits to what they should be. :)
  • jellyboots
    Yeah, I was diagnosed anorexic when I was 14 but it's turned into bulimia since then (more in the past 5 years). I think it began as pure overeating and then developed from there. I just want to be able to eat and not feel bad for it!

    We will both be fine though :) It takes time but it's more than doable. Good luck lovely ^_^