

  • I used to be that way, but so far I've avoided it this year. <knocks on wood> I find that I'm taking a bit better care of myself this year and not working too long and getting stressed out. That and the winter we are having in Winnipeg is just awesome so there haven't been as many colds and flus flying around.
  • This is exactly the same problem I have. Sometimes I just can't sleep I feel so hungry. The three things I have found that work: 1) Protein... 1/2 chicken breast 2) Popcorn 3) Pickles! The pickles are awesome and really curb the appetite. I'd highly recommend them... Oh, and I agree. Just get all that food out of the…
  • Wow! That is exactly the same problem I have. I just can't stop snacking at night. I've even taken to eating later so I don't have so much time to snack. It just seems I'm always hungry at night! The only thing I've found that sometimes helps is snacking on protein. (like a lean chicken breast...) Good luck and let me know…