Night Eaters

I have a really bad problem with getting up at night and eating cookies, chocolate, or anything else I desire. Somehow in my head I see it as those calories not counting and I can start logging again when the sun comes up. I don't know if my sleep medication is to blame or if I am giving in to temptation. Does anyone else have this problem or have any suggestions? Sometimes I really do wake up hungry but most of the time I wake up with something specific on my mind that I want to eat. I hate myself for doing this. I do want to stop and as of today I logged what I ate last night to hold myself accountable.


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    get junk out of your house or make it harder to get to

    prepare good stuff to have ready to eat...celery..cabbage
  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    Great that you've realized you must account for this night-time grazing. Make sure you've had plenty calories during the day, maybe some extra protien before bed and build in one of those sweet night-time treats into your plan so you don't feel the need to sneak it in at night. When you wake up with visions of sugar canes, try to determine if you're stressed or seeking some emotional comfort...write down your thoughts, drink some water, do some deep breathing/relaxation exercises and remind yourselft that you'll have room for a small treat during the next day. Good luck to you because deprived sleep can impact your weight loss efforts.
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    I also get cravings late at night, I keep a stash of hard candies on hand always (also just quit smoking lol) and find that helps a lot with those sweet needs in the wee hours. Usually I'm not even hungry but can't turn my brain off so want to eat out of boredom/stress/frustration and a butterscotch candy that lasts for a while helps knocks it off. In the time it takes to enjoy a whole hard candy (no crunching!) I stop myself from shoveling down whole heck of a lot of cookies or chips. :flowerforyou:
  • teephil
    teephil Posts: 135 Member
    get junk out of your house or make it harder to get to

    prepare good stuff to have ready to eat...celery..cabbage

    This ^. I get late night cravings for sweets too, but you can't eat it if it's not there...
  • penny5
    penny5 Posts: 148 Member
    I actually threw away a package of oreos yesterday. That's what I had to eat the night before and I found them on the counter in the morning. I was so digusted that I threw them away and didn't keep them 'just for the kids'. My husband works for Kraft/Nabisco and brings home Oreos, Chips Ahoy, Cheese Its, Ritz Bits, etc. The one thing that I find that is healthy is the Honey Maide 100 calorie delight bars. There is 3g of fiber in them so I'm getting a benefit out of it!
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    My husband works for Kraft/Nabisco and brings home Oreos, Chips Ahoy, Cheese Its, Ritz Bits, etc.
    Oh that is no food is great but not junk. Perhaps convince your husband to lighten the leftover load a bit so there isn't so much temptation in the cupboards?
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    You're not on Ambien, are you?
  • bravozulu12
    bravozulu12 Posts: 5 Member
    Yes, don't bring high calorie density foods in the house. If I have a pumpkin pie in the house, I will eat the entire pie in two days. You don't bring a heroin addict to a drug store. Don't put sweets in front of someone trying to lose weight. :)
  • Precious75134
    Precious75134 Posts: 85 Member
    how about trying peppermint...i read that it isan appetite suppressant....try drinking some peppermint tea before bed...
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    I forgot exactly the site but something Lean, I think they save all their calories for between 4-7 because they do not feel hungry earlier in the day but more so later in the evening, maybe that's something you should look into doing?
  • Here is my advice look back at your goals and see if you are serious about it. If you are you will earn your cookies in the gym like many of us with "sweettooth syndrom" you will find other snacks for empty snacking try pickles. Baby carrots. bla bla bla STOP EATING COOKIES!!!!
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    I wake up at about 3am every night, have for as long as i can remember, I always want something junky...chocolate usually I crave, or big glasses of milk, it's not like I'm hungry and want to get up and make a sandwich, I just wake up with this intense junk craving. I'm getting better, keeping less in the house and logging has helped, I also keep a glass of water beside the bed and try to sip on that for a bit, it's a little embarrassing but, lately I've been getting up and having some water while I log on to here and look at the message boards for a couple of minutes to remind me not to eat it.
  • This is exactly the same problem I have. Sometimes I just can't sleep I feel so hungry. The three things I have found that work:

    1) Protein... 1/2 chicken breast
    2) Popcorn
    3) Pickles!

    The pickles are awesome and really curb the appetite. I'd highly recommend them...

    Oh, and I agree. Just get all that food out of the house. But for those of us with kids, it isn't that easy as you want the treats for the kids!

    All Night Eaters... Please feel free to add me and hopefully we can keep each other on track and not snacking...
  • penny5
    penny5 Posts: 148 Member
    No, I'm not on Ambien. I'm on Trazadone and so was my mom when she used to eat at night. I was just wondering if it was the meds but I actually now think it's in my head.

    Thank you guys for the advice. One comment really hit home: Am I serious about weight loss? I want to say YES but I think I do need to dig deeper. I will try to remember that at 2am and have a drink of water (and maybe a pickle!) and head back to bed.

    Tonight will be the night that I stop this craziness!
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member


    Ever since the kids have been born (They are now 4 and half!)...For some reason I get up "hungry" and RAVAGE...

    It definately helps to clear the kitchen of temptations and I know for me it is emotional-compulsive eating as well..

    Geneen Roth has helped me shed some light on these issues...It's a work in progress!

    Good luck and DON'T beat yourself up about...You'll just eat more :(

  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I can't imagine dragging myself out of bed in the middle of the night to eat...I have a hard enough time dragging myself out of my nice warm cozy bed on these dark mornings!:happy:
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I think it may be the meds.
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    I actually threw away a package of oreos yesterday. That's what I had to eat the night before and I found them on the counter in the morning. I was so digusted that I threw them away and didn't keep them 'just for the kids'. My husband works for Kraft/Nabisco and brings home Oreos, Chips Ahoy, Cheese Its, Ritz Bits, etc. The one thing that I find that is healthy is the Honey Maide 100 calorie delight bars. There is 3g of fiber in them so I'm getting a benefit out of it!

    I can eat the whole box if I let my crazy eating lady side of brain get the best of me...TRUST ME...Although a healthier choice...Still not good to have in the house :(
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I used to do the same thing. You know what helped me?

    To make sure I eat right before I go to bed. When I don't, I tend to wake up in the middle of the night and will binge on the first cookie, cake, pie, etc that crosses my path. During the day, I can easily consume these things in moderation. But, when I used to tell myself "Don't eat before bed" - I would, without fail, end up in the kitchen gorging on something in the middle of the night.

    I usually have cottage cheese, fruit, a bagel .. something right before bed. Doesn't have to be some full size meal, something small will help.
  • I am on ambien and have the same problem. One night I ate a whole bag of goldfish s'mores in my sleep. My boyfriend got them for me and figured I must be hungry if I continued to eat. He has also tried to take food away from me and a have slapped his hand, all in my sleep. I usually have a small snack after I take my pill because sometimes it upsets my stomach. I told him to no longer get me more food, even if I beg.