Kate01 Member


  • Mitchell, aged 6, pure Bull Mastiff
  • I'm an early bird, rising at around 5am and up and out by 6am to walk to the dog before i leave for work. I have found that setting an alarm call for 5am and then every 10mins each with a different alarm call, stops me from snoozing through them... they are set to be louder and more annouying each time. So I find that I…
  • When you find yourself picking up the Caadbury's Freddo's instead of the the Flake.....
  • Wow well done you!!! :drinker: I did the opposite about a year ago ...... i finally gave in and made the decision that I would never fit into my thin clothes and donated them to my local charity shop... Now I have now almost got to my goal only a few pounds to go :drinker: ... but now my clothes are all too big .. :sad: I…
  • I started using this site in January of this year... just because i wanted to be lazy and have someone (MFP) tell me what calories I was eating and burning.... I had decided it was time to lose half a stone.... So I logged everything I eat and exercised..... and to my horror I was eating very little and exercising loads…
  • :laugh: :laugh: I agree fully with Soggysox ...... what better motivation..... I've always kept a pair of jeans from before I had children just to remind me what size I used to be..... I can almost fit into them now.... just a little bit more to lose.... Keep going.... u'll be wearing them no time at all... :drinker:…
  • SHBoss1673, I really don't think that was what was meant..... but thanks for making me laugh.... my day at work had been sooo boring!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • I have found that reaching for a chewing gum, instead of what I actually crave helps.... I get the feeling of eating and get the sweetness that I crave... :happy:
  • I find that confusing my body occasionally helps, by eating big one day.... every now and then I will eat way over my 1200 calories, it seems to work..
  • You guys are such a scream..... I too am now one of you..... checking the labels and counting the calories of everything I eat.... my work colleagues and friends think I'm barmey.... I started to do this so that I could lose a little weight and drop a dress size.... but now I'm doing it to check that I'm actually eating…
  • Thanks for all the gr8 responses....... Iol! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    in Sex?? Comment by Kate01 April 2009
  • Hey Misst78, I asked the same question only a few weeks ago..... as I wanted to know how much calories was being burned... depending of course upon the level of physical activity, he he It would be great if there was option to choose....... as I've no idea how to calculate the calories!! :wink:
    in Sex?? Comment by Kate01 April 2009
  • Sounds like a gr8 plan to me..... occasionally you have a day when you need to let rip.... write it off and start again the next morning. I've learnt that i confuse my body by doing this once in while, not regularly, and it seems to remind my body that it doesn't need to store up cus it does get feed and i'm losing weight…
  • Hey, I hadn't thought of that - what a great idea! Thanks :flowerforyou:
    in Hot tea Comment by Kate01 March 2009