

  • Good Morning...I need help reducing my Carbs and someone told me to try and find a protien source that isnt dairy based. I am looking for any suggestions...I eat a bunch of dried meats, (beef jerky) any other suggestions? Thank you, and keep upthe good work!!:drinker:
  • I am going to try and make this, I love sqaush and I am going to try it. Thank you, for the recipe, and keep up the good work, you look great! :smile:
  • I am going to try it, I have no experience with it, but a little extra energy can help me right now.....I had a friend stop drinking soda, and fast food meals, with Hydroxycut, he lost 13 lbs in a month. Its worth a shot.... :smile:
  • Good Morning Fellow Fitness Pals, I just went to my first cardio kickboxing class. Had a lot of fun great sweat and cardio. We were in class from 8:30 to 9:25, does any one know how to add this program to the exercise, and what the approx, calories burned would be? Thanks :tongue:
  • Almond butter...Huh? OK I wll try that, is sounds interesting....The reason for the low carbs, is simply because I am trying to slowly reduce the amount of carbs, I eat quite a bit of them. Thanks for the tips, Turkey Jerky, sounds wierd, but I give it a shot....:wink:
  • Good Morning everyone!!!! I dont mind protien shakes, or bars...but is there any suggestions for High protien snacks? I typically do egg based breakfast, so I need something else to use as a snack... Any feed back would be great and good luck on your journey!!! PL :happy: