For me personally, I can eat like 1000 cals a day of sugar and carbs and totally balloon. Alternatively I can eat like 2000 cals a day of very low carb and lose weight. I've tested this so many times - unfortunately it's low carb all the way for me!
Even fruit is enough to send me over the edge. One piece of fruit will lead me wanting just another 'taste' of something sweet. Which will lead to more fruit which will lead to the snack machine which will lead to a complete madman sugar binge. I'm talking a whole block of chocolate, ice cream, jam from the jar, drinking…
Sorry, BronwYn Fox
Hullo there As a recovered sufferer of panic disorder I really recommend reading a book called Power Over Panic by Bronwen Fox. Her writings on anxiety changed my life x
I get 'food rage' a lot. The more consistent I am with my diet the better I feel - also keeping away from sugar keeps me more level. When I'm in food rage mode I usually tell people I need a bit of space (nicely) and do some chill out stuff alone Good luck!! :)
Rocky Road Cupcake :D
Would love a few more MFP buddies 31y/o F :)