lol this happens to me too! i just say f- it and drink the water anyways. i just feel better when i am hydrated.
i never thought of this, but you're right. she worked out a lot, but it was all cardio. interesting. theres still the issue of the biochemistry though. all the people in the study showed screwy levels of some hormones related to appetite, even when they were put back on maintenance level diets. this would indicate that…
the article also mentions that weight gain is unlikely to become "set" for a period of a few years... so if you somewhat rapidly gain and bunch of weight and then lose it again, your body doesn't experience the same sorts of changes... but that hasn't been well studied in people. i also think the "lose is slowly" thing,…
this, for sure. i often think that the physical challenge of losing weight and being healthy is a LOT easier than the mental challenge... because able to motivate yourself and acknowledge progress that you have made can be tricky. sometimes it feels like its all for nothing... but of course thats not true. your health and…
haha glad to know someone else is going through this too. i expected making all that stuff would put me off it, but even knowing how much butter and sugar and other junk is in there doesn't stop me from wanting to eat it lol. to everyone: thanks for the great advice- water+fruit sound like a good way to fill up my tummy…
don't be ridiculous. everything you eat is a chemical compound. you are made up of billions of "chemical compounds" interacting in very complex ways. the mere fact of it being made in a lab rather than in a plant doesn't make it dangerous.
the grocery store rule is a good one.... pretty much anything but berries i think would be fine. pears, oranges, apples, etc... i've left out for days (because i am more ambitious about eating fruit than i am good about actually eating it :P) and i've not had any serious problems.
awesome!! i can still remember how hard it was when i first started running to even persist for more than 2-3 minutes without feeling like i was going to die... its such a great feeling looking back and realizing how far you've come. keep up the great work!
absolutely amazing!
on the one hand i am tempted to say that if you love him all that other stuff shouldn't matter... but of course thats not true. you guys would probably have a great time at first, and then as your divergent goals began to take on more importance in your lives, you would have to deal with that conflict. i wouldn't go into…
gravity sucks!!
if you're buying a house together i highly doubt he is unsatisfied with your relationship. perhaps he is simply not interested in marriage? you should definitely talk to him about his thoughts on marriage in general... and if you're feeling a little insecure its ok to ask for a bit of reassurance...
this is true! simply having healthier people around you makes you more likely to want to change... just as it works in the reverse direction- having obese friends makes you more likely to be obese. hopefully as you turn your life around she'll be motivated to do the same. if you nag her though, you'll probably just…
something like this happened to me several years ago... i was in my early 20s, healthy weight/bmi (though i tend to carry literally all my weight in my stomach which can be unflattering if i don't dress carefully) having a cigarette and these two teenaged girls walked passed, and one said loudly to the other "omg i thought…