tris57 Member


  • SW: 350 CW:334 GW for August end: 324 Weigh in Dates 5/8 - 330 12/8 - 19/8 - 26/8 - End of month -
  • I more or less just started/discovered this (Did Week 1, Run 2 this morning on the way to work) and its pretty flippin' cool. Actually really looking forward to my next set of 15 second runs!
  • SW: 350 CW:334 GW for August end: 324 Weigh in Dates 5/8 - 12/8 - 19/8 - 26/8 - End of month -
  • Really awesome! Same start weight as me (well, my scales only go to 350) and i'd really love to hit onederland in your timeframe! Huge inspiration man, can you share anything about your routine etc?
  • Also my second morning of Bulletproof coffee (4th day low carb/high fat), and although there are probably a few other factors at play- I feel pretty flippin' epic today.
  • Single young professional here too. Feel free to add.
  • I am also a fat bloke with a fitbit arriving on Monday, according to amazon. Feel free to add!
  • I've been using it for just over a week as a dinner replacement. It is very expensive. It's not magic. It doesn't taste as good as they say (I find the aftertaste odd), but it doesn't taste awful. It is very convenient. I tend to have it around 6.30 and it fills me up for the night. Given your expectations, it's pretty…
  • This. I get this on a friday evening or a saturday afternoon. After a certain point it just feels too late to start, so if I can busy myself until then I won't bother. A cup of tea also helps.
  • Friend request on the way. Love your enthusiasm! I also get pretty excited about this sometimes- only a week in. I love the gadgets you can get now. I have wifi scales and will probably get a fitbit. awesome!
  • This post inspired me to walk to work this morning. Great job and impressive time scale!
  • Hi, and welcome to MFP. I don't know much about slim fast, beyond the meal replacement idea. I'm using a meal replacement myself (shakeology) but only at dinner which is where I know I consumed the majority of my calories in the past. Are you following a total replacement? Feel free to add me as a friend, and good luck.
  • Added both. Good luck!
    in JFDI Comment by tris57 January 2013
  • Added :) Don't think there are any Walgreens in UK though. The fancy scales are in the post, Just have to wait.
    in JFDI Comment by tris57 January 2013