

  • Thank you everyone, for clearing that up. Also, what you said all seems much more intuitive and in-line with what I'd always thought myself. Not sure what Polar, or anyone else for that matter, has to gain from spreading misinformation... I guess the idea that you need a HRM to stay "in the zone" but you can work at your…
  • Likewise, I've had that happen before on the elliptical. It sounds more like lung inflammation than heartburn, based on the location and description of symptoms. Inflammation is part of the body's response to pretty much anything it doesn't like. It's a protection mechanism. Could be the air quality was poor today, or your…
  • Awesomest. Kid. Ever. Name: Himejii or Sabariel Class: Physics Rank: PhD Candidate Goal: To invent a way to automatically log calories without all the... you know... logging. Oral mass-spec? Gastric calorimeter? I'll let you know when I crack that nut, I'll be retired on a beach somewhere warm but not too hot or humid.
  • I should try that. We went camping the other month and I forgot the sugar but remembered the cream. It was tolerable but not enjoyable, but I doubt it would take more than about a week to get used to it. Cream has a pretty sweet taste on its own. As for fast food, I haven't reached the stage where I don't desire it, but…
  • Aww you beat me to the punch... good! (Glad I searched before duplicating). Really true though. I never tried to start hating donuts, but now when I have a bite, they're utterly appalling. Likewise, pizza just isn't what it used to be. That could also just indicate the general decline of pre-packaged foods, but either way,…
  • This is a relief to read. I get tired of being told "Or Else" all the time. On school days (I'm a PhD student) I rarely make time for breakfast. I drink two cups of coffee with cream and sugar, and that seems to provide enough energy to get me to lunch. If I ate late at night the day before, I find it makes me more hungry…
  • As of 7pm. Of course, it helps that I worked the midnight shift setting up equipment for today's experiment, so I was up to 6000 before the day really even started...
  • No they're not. They swim around in their own toilet.
  • I got mine done at the University gym. They didn't actually calculate my TDEE, but I'm sure that would have been trivial with all the data they collected. Some private gyms might offer it as well, just call around and ask about fitness assessments. I think mine was about $150 including a workout plan and a training session…
  • Try it for a week or two. You'll know soon enough if it's too much, and you can adjust accordingly. You lost all that weight once -- whatever you put on in two weeks won't be hard to take back off, especially since losing is what you're used to! Online calculators are generic and based on averages. They'll never be 100%…
  • I'm in love with crystal deodorant rocks. Main reason is that all my older t-shirts are crusted with deodorant wax that will NOT come out. The crystal stuff keeps me from getting stinky, doesn't feel thick and gross, and doesn't mess up my shirts. If it soaks in, it washes out because it's just a salt. Only real downside…
  • Took me a minute to realize that on MFP, ED doesn't have anything to do with male blood flow... I have no experience with eating disorders, but the thread is still relevant to me and other users. I just started logging about a week ago so I'm still figuring out what works for me, but it seems that logging before my meal is…
  • Perfect example... eggs benedict is, like, my favourite breakfast. Before, I'd get it with hashbrowns on the side and hubby and I would share a short stack of pancakes. I obviously wasn't counting calories then, because that's pretty much my whole day's allowance right there. But just the other day I went to Smitty's and…
  • Actually it's really simple (not to be confused with easy). You just have to convince the current Gold Medalist Astrologer that astrology is real, and then you instantly become the new Gold Medalist.
  • I just bought the Vivofit at Costco yesterday, just to check it out. I'm taking it back. The main reason is that it's basically just a glorified pedometer. I don't need to spend $150 on a step counter. It does other stuff, but basically, I find it overwhelming at this stage of my game. I'm just starting my transformation…
  • What about getting a smaller size? 20oz is *huge* and you'd probably be satisfied with a small size, like 12oz, which would have almost half as many calories. Moderation comes in different forms.
  • My morning coffee. Specifically, the half & half and real sugar instead of milk and sweetener. That being said, it's not interfering with my weight loss at all. One cup is 73 calories, two is 146. That's not bad at all, considering the pleasure I get out of the fat and sugar interacting with my endocrine system. Mmmm,…
  • Not sure what containers have to do with food prep... I do my prep at home, before I cook my meal, and then put leftovers in containers for later meals. I usually don't bring more than one container per day, I just make meals that are all-in-one. That's mostly because I'm lazy and not keen on cooking lots of different…
  • I used to, but the produce went to waste, the garden was taken over by weeds, and it became more of a pain than a pleasure. Now I'm happy to support local farmers by buying what I can from the farmer's market, and I've turned my patch over to perennials (bulbs mostly). I do have some volunteer beans coming up, on account…