Feels like Im getting flu after treadmill, no nausea

I walked today. After my walk I felt awful ... in my throat. Its been hours and it still feels that way. Ive had it before, a long time ago, but when workouts were way more intense and I think I overdid it. I dont think it lasted this long before either.

Its almost like the back of my throat, upper chest (way up??) is *kind of* a burning, but more just icky feeling. Kind of cold inside when I breathe. Sort of like right before you get the flu? Or right before it goes down into your chest? Do you know what I mean?

I drank water all through workout.
It was 30mins of interval walking. Not too crazy. Heartrate 20mins in was 138bpm.
What does this sound like to you? Ive read about being sick after workouts but people usually speak of being sick to their stomachs & im not nauseous at all.


  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    I definitely do not know the cause of this, but it totally happens to me sometimes when I'm on the treadmill too. I usually have a fan pointed at my face when I workout, but I often get some coughing fits or a runny nose during my jogs. You could always go have a chat with your doctor if it's bothering you a lot! Hope this gets better for you.
  • tony56pr
    tony56pr Posts: 141 Member
    Sounds like heart burn to me. How long before are you eating? If empty and drinking water and doing physical stuff seems to me acid production could be going crazy. Best guess.

    Don't know, need to check with dr to be sure.
  • Himejii
    Likewise, I've had that happen before on the elliptical.

    It sounds more like lung inflammation than heartburn, based on the location and description of symptoms. Inflammation is part of the body's response to pretty much anything it doesn't like. It's a protection mechanism. Could be the air quality was poor today, or your lungs were tired from a previous workout, or for whatever reason your body just wasn't feeling cooperative. Could be as simple as you unknowingly breathed in a fly and your body's trying to flush it out.

    When it comes to workout intensity, it's not an absolute scale, and heart rate doesn't tell the whole story. If for whatever reason, your body just wasn't "feeling it" and you pushed anyway, that can be enough.

    Another possibility is that your body was already fighting an infection, and you taxed it just enough to shift the balance from "I can handle this without you ever even knowing you were sick" to "bwahaha feel my wrath, hoomahn!"

    But as always, seek medical attention if symptoms fail to improve in a reasonable amount of time.
  • veeve1
    Heartburn maybe? I never thought about when I ate according to when I excercised that day. Ill keep an eye on that!

    Lung inflammation, Theres a very small tickle in my throat & urge to cough more than normal today. I wouldnt think an athsma thing would last that long after though, would it?
    "bwahaha feel my wrath, hoomahn!"

    Haha. Yeah I guess Ive been pushing myself a bit. Could be getting worn down. Going to take a rest day!
  • EmilyPersephone
    It sounds to me like heartburn or a mild bile attack.For me, those usually result in throat tickles and couching for a while afterwards. I often have trouble with the areas you are describing from heartburn as well. (I was born with a hypertensive LES, and despite the heavy medication and extremely limited diet, even light physical exertion can cause me horrid results. Which makes workouts hell some days.)

    I would recommend you talk to your doctor and explain all of this to them. They will be able to help you figure out if it is indeed heartburn, or anything else, and what you can do to prevent it. . Best of luck!
  • veeve1
    Thanks :) I will do that