

  • I'm a lax vegan (vegetarian once a week, meat once a month) It's a taste thing for me, so I naturally rarely eat meat. Meat is good for you just like too many vegetables can be bad (potatoes are great! in moderation...). You have to just make sure whatever goes in your mouth is the proper portion and proper nutrients.
  • Out of necessity I eat when I get up, I don't have a lot of time in the morning so breakfast is usually 30 minutes after waking up as I'm heading out. If you've got the time...eat when you're hungry for how hungry you are. You can push breakfast back if you had a heavy dinner but if you ate early the night before you may…
  • I eat socially, almost like a binge drinker but with pizza. On my own I prefer healthy eating but I'm very easily influenced by my friends. On my own I eat for fuel but i also make sure it tastes good. We've got taste buds, might as well treat them right!