

  • Recumbent bike and treadmill work the best for me. Had knee surgery last year and still have some problems, but these build muscle and you get your cardio without any pounding on the knee joints. Because I have degenerative arthritis in both knees I asked orthopedic surgeon about exercising. He said the more exerise I get…
  • and they also have pumpkin pie one that is iced with pumpkin and pecans, its my favorite.
    in kashi Comment by 3cats75006 January 2009
  • I had been using Slenda regularly for 6 or 8 months. Started being extremely tired and sleepy all the time. Like taking naps on my lunch hour. Read an article in magazine that said it causes brain fog and fatigue in some people. Stopped it about a month ago and am fine now.
  • I wonder if there are any "older" (I am 60) ladies who have some weight loss tips. I need to lose 15 pounds by June. I know all the calorie counting and exercising rules but have a real problem with healthy snacks as I am always hungry
  • those are great ideas, I eat oatmeal every morning about 6 am and am starving by 9 so this gives me options.
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