SeeJaneShrink Member


  • Wow. Great job everyone. Quite inspiring!
  • Your body is probably getting more and more comfortable at this weight for you. Try incorporating strength training and more protein rich foods. It could also be that you're not taking in enough calories for the amount of exercise you're doing. Your body might be trying to preserve itself from what it essentially sees as…
  • Think about what getting to a healthier weight will mean for you. Will it mean having more energy to keep up with your children? Will it mean sleeping more soundly? Will it mean increased strength and flexibility? How will losing weight affect your day-to-day life? If you can think of the possibilities, motivation will…
  • I feel you. I lost 30 pounds back in 2012, but with school, work, and life in general getting in the way, I fell back into bad habits. I gained it all back, plus a little extra. I, too, am getting back on the wagon. General tips for using MFP: Make friends in the forums, join in on conversations, and use the app every day.…
  • Congratulations on all your success :) I hope 2 years from now, I too can post my before/after in the Success Stories forum. By the way, that's an amazing fish in your first picture. <3
  • I used to go out by myself. It really just depends on the neighborhood. I've gone out with pepper spray and no music, other times with only my keys and a bottle of water. If you need to, it's a good idea to keep your music low (or off, depending on your neighborhood) and make sure you only run/bike/walk a familiar path. If…