

  • Sounds like a successful plan is shaping up! Keep us updated!
  • Gotcha... Personally, I think another round of Insanity is going to burn more fat than a round of P90X lean. You might actually find it a bit easy. Did you have good results with round 1 of Insanity?
  • Hey robinator, quick question... If you are already in good shape, why are you concerned about weight? If you weighed 400 lbs, but had a lean muscular appearance, would it matter? Don't be fixated as much on weight as you would how your clothes fit and losing body fat. I know people use weight as a motivator, but there are…
  • @RRivera - A TON!!! Calories burned will depend on your size and your fitness level though. Loved Insanity, really made a difference in playing sports! (Soccer)
  • I recommend starting with the classic program. The extra strength workouts help to develop lean muscle which will burn more fat! In any program, you will typically struggle when you start. Push through and do your best. Be proud of your achievements AND the fact that you improving your health just by trying!
  • If you have not done P90X before, I highly recommend the Classic workout for your first round. Building up the extra lean muscle will help you to burn additional fat. It is also a good base to venture into any other direction/program. As for your previous question, you can do two workouts a day, IF your body allows you.…
  • Hi Latoyabr, I jumped right in when I first started with P90X. I was way out of shape and my wife and I got our tushes kicked. As you will hear while "Pushing Play" , "Do your best and forget the rest!" Because each day is different, you will work a variety of core and major muscle groups that will start to put together…
    in P90X Comment by chaoticjelly April 2010