

  • Hey, what do I know... Sorry I didn't check with you first to see if I was right.
  • I have lost 45lbs in 2 months by cutting my calories to less than 1500 a day. However, I will start exercising soon. Had to get my blood pressure and back pain under control first. Losing the weight has made a huge difference in both already.
  • Slow grilling or smoking the peppers makes them hotter so if you don't like the heat be sure and scrape the veins from the inside of the peppers first. You can do this with a spoon. We make these often in the summer. Thank you for the low cal version. Will definitely give it a try when grilling weather gets here.
  • Thanks for posting this. I have to lose a LOT myself and its so inspirational to see people having success and claiming victory. I have lost it before and gained it back and the one thing that always killed me when I lost weight was when people would say, "You look so good now" I wanted to say.. So I was ugly before? lol…
  • I don't know if this has been discussed, but here is one explanation for Batman's Superhero status. In the early days of the batman comics he was referred to as "the world's greatest detective". Batman is not just about gadgets and martial arts. He has a superior intellect that sets him about from others. Its technically…
  • I live in the south so I've eaten most wild game, but I guess the weirdest thing would be Deep Fried Crickets. Apparently this is a common dish in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Ate these with a missionary from there.