

  • agreed. i was on very low carb for about 7 months & included saturated fats daily... i lost 20lbs, but my triglycerides shot up to 754 along with my overall cholesterol. i'm on fenofibrate now & cut out ALL BAD FATS, & eat mono & poly's as much as possible. Fish oil is amazing with all the omega 3's (good fats for ur…
  • Walfart is just not aesthetically pleasing... seriously, the lighting is horrible & it makes everything look dirty & gross. --the prices are amazing tho, but i'd rather shop at the 99cent store lol!
  • love that exercise!!! (shopping, in response to someone else's post) ugh, i'm sorry... i guess i have to quote the post i'm lol-ing or "loving that exercise" or it just adds it as a random comment.
  • lol!!! (sorry, this seems random.... i was lol-ing to someone's post where they said paying bills makes them break out in sweat, therefore is counted as exercise etc.) --i need to quote my replies sorry...
  • l record cleaning, but only because i run a house cleaning business and i only record the jobs where i'm really breaking a sweat like 3 story houses etc. --i work alone. i'm also a set decorator for indie films & tv, and i'm running around all day packing & loading trucks, moving furniture etc. and i use my "steps" on my…
  • i drink 1, maybe 2 cups a day with sugar free coffee creamer. --used to use heavy whipping cream but my triglycerides shot up to 754 so doc took me off all of the bad fats and told me to continue to do low carb. --he actually told me to stop all caffine due to occasional heart palps, but those are going away being on…
  • LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh:
  • I've been on Atkins since Aug. '11 and it works for me. Fell off wagon April '12 but I'm on day 16 back in induction and I feel like a new person. --more energy, less bloated, no more carb crash for me!!! I have a lot of belly fat, and it's slowly but surely shrinking... love living low carb! :)