

  • Yeah that is calories, I meant net, as in the what you eat - what you burn. I wasn't aware that this was something MFP had in the diet plan?
  • This^^ exactly right. No point me writing it again cos this lady has it exactly right. Good luck!
  • I have big issues with iron, I have been anemic as long as I can remember, also, I cannot take iron pills or B vitamins because they do not agree with my system and I either feel sick all day or throw up. I was looking for an anti stress tablet, and seriously 99% of them are B complexes, but I found one that is seriously…
  • I was 12 and I am now 20. :)
  • 33lbs, I am at my highest weight currently (Well weighing myself later so hopefully not any more!) :)
  • Yeah, there is a big divide in opinion about the amounts you have to consume, everything I have read about it and studied does say it is a high amount, but people still get iffy about having it. I think I am going to start using some though, i think the benefits of less white sugar out weighs the paranoia about sugar…
  • Hello :) I am 20, and am looking for a bit of a support network on here. I am a student and I work in a bar, I plan on being on here quite a lot so add me and we can get some support going for each other :) Jessica