This is exactly why I have not posted anything in years of using this site. I asked for honest support and success stories for a life decision I've made. If you are not able to contribute something good is it really necessary to make fun of people's choices. Disgusting behaviour for people on a site that is meant to be…
I just started banting (LCHF) yesterday so far so good but would love some support along the way :-)
I still get migraines now but not nearly as often as I used to. You just have to find your triggers (and they are different for everybody) mine is extreme heat, and stress, my grandmother's is oranges, coffee and cheese. I also find I get them even less when I do mild exercise on a regular basis but for some reason always…
Hiya welcome back (it's my third go!) feel free to add me :)
Hiya welcome back feel free to add me :-)
Pint of lukewarm lemon water, then coffee, then a freshly made green juice (I like orange, grapefruit, strawberries and kale in the morning!)
Yeah! I'm in :-) will send friend request
Wow well done!!!
You should be so proud you are really rocking that bikini :-)
Wow well done you look great so strong and healthy :-)
Wow amazing well done!
Hi there goodluck and feel free to add me :-)
Hi there I'm 5"2 and 31...... Working hard at getting back in shape, feel free to add me :smile:
Hi there I'm in London feel free to add me any of you :smile:
Wow well done!!!
. Wow great job!!!!
Well done you look great!
Great job you look fantastic and really happy :)
Wow you look great well done!
Well done you look great!
Nothing at all! Just a few sips of water if I have anything else I would just feel sick. I do have a shake after though.
Wooohooo good job!
Yeah I get then to, I always have though and I just take some asprin if they don't go away after a couple of hours.