jennyrae3 Member


  • all I have for accountability is myself, so hoping this helps me. I've lost weight twice now. The first time was due to health issues and calorie counting. That was 6 years ago, and I got down to 124. Now I have lost 10 lbs on my own and have been stuck for like 8 months. Hope this helps! Pick how you want to weigh as in…
  • I use the fiberone protien bars, they taste great (no cardboard after taste) and only 90 clories per bar. It's my between meals snack and helps me stay within my dailty calorie goal of 1100-1200. I also use an egg white omelette, with veggies. Depending on what all u put in it, it's low calorie and heathly, I'll even…
    in Protein Comment by jennyrae3 April 2013
  • I am 36, and average build, weight currently is 131, I've lost 34 lbs so far, only the last 20 with MFP. i use the rails because i have Lupus and my joints don't work well. The stiffness I suffer from and major Joint pain causes me lose balance easy sometimes. I look very normal to the naked eye. Some deseases can't be…
  • Awesome!!! I spoke to my husband today and told him I decided I want to run a 5k before summers end. It's a goal I want to set and acheive so mcuh! It's crazy but I feel likr it would be my reward for all my hard work I've been doing. Good luck to you! By-the-way, he said he'd run it with me. I'm so excited.
  • by the way, I'm only 5'1" and am currently about 5 pounds from my goal. us short people can't carry our weight very twell. :(
  • I've been doing this for 14 months now. I've been able to lose 34 lbs. One thing you need to remember is that this is for your life time and not for an instant result. I've dieted several different times and always gained it back plus some. This time, I've made a life change. You have to take it in baby steps. Your habits…