

  • it most definately burns tons of calories... i saw him too... it feels like you are losing five pounds from just laughing.
  • Hey does anyone live Orange County, California that is currently looking for a workout buddy...
  • its mainly strenght... if you are looking for a calorie burning class try turbo kick boxing... i take it five days a week and love it... burn around 500 calories per class...
  • Thank you so much... i look forward to watching my ticker count down as the weeks go by...
  • I would like to weigh in with you weekly too.. how do i go about doing that... Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • I will be on your team... My name is Lynsee... whats yours... we can do a weigh in every week with eachother... what do you think..
  • Hi, My name is Lynsee and I started my weight loss journey on January 5, 2009 and have 64 pounds left to go... I had 100 to start with and came to a stop with progress so I joined MFP to get the help and motivation to finish what i need to do.