

  • Be proud of what you have accomplished! I to know the feeling, at my heaviest I weighed in at 208 and now I am 135. It took hard work and determination to have achieved what you have done. I bought my first bikini and wore it with pride when I traveled to Dominican, of course with hesitation at first .. lol Be proud and…
  • I am no health buff but I would agree that alot of fresh fruits and vegies cant hurt , keep up the good work :smooched:
  • Well I will add to the many who have replied. I was always hot to the point where I had my own personal mini fan on my desk at work and now I freeze all day, I am always looking to turn the heat up or find my sweater. I know my iron levels are good because I give blood on a regular basis so it must be just the body missing…
  • Thanks for the ideas it is appreciated. I know I am close to my goal now and I still want to keep active as I dont want to ever go back to the weight I was......... I prefer wearing skimpier things .. :happy: