

  • 1. Nope 2. Yes, but only if you've got a sensitive stomach or existing damage, I would imagine 3. Any and all, because while they're not going to make you magically lose weight, spicy things are delicious
  • I was doing 1200 a day but dropped weight too quickly (I dropped 10 lbs in the space of time I was looking to drop 5, eek) so have pulled it up to 1400-1500. I really liked having to pick the most nutrient rich foods, when I was doing a lower calorie intake so I' having a bit of trouble finding high quality foods to add…
  • Once every 1-2 weeks.
  • I think a lot of this is making long term lifestyle changes with food, for me. Just like some folks can't drink booze, it looks like I don't get to eat "normal people" food. Breaking down my diet into really basic, fresh, whole food units and slowly working up the calorie counts as I step up my fitness schedule. It sucks…
  • Nah, I still have to work, just not getting to do as much running as I would like to. Hopefully I can pick up the pace as I start mixing in some more calories. Just doing 45 min 3x a week of cardio now. Though it's wearing me down a bit... x.X
  • I'm detoxing (no processed foods, booze, non-fruit sugars, bread, pasta, etc) and on a limited calorie intake. Been doing it for a bit now. It's actually been working a lot better than anything I've tried to date, except for the limited calorie intake is holding me back exercise-wise.
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