Who's doing a "detox"....

.... cos im not


Last year i spent most of it fretting about my weight and worrying about every single thing i put in my mouth and going from one fad diet to the next, geez the money i wasted on all these different diet and recipe books and all i did was put the weight on and feel worse about myself!

This year as my resolution i will just take each day as it comes. to be mentally healthier and happier which will lead to physical happiness and motivation.

if i dont stick to my 1300 cals then its not the end of the world... ill learn from it and try to cut down on the foods that made me go over. if i have a few days when i cant be bothered to move my *kitten* then ill make the most of my relaxing days and make them count!

whats everyone elses resolutions this year? x :drinker:


  • to follow yours as it sounds the best yet hun xx
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    Thank God for that, I thought you were off on another hair-brained eating plan, lol! :laugh:

    I'm sticking to what I did last year, very similar to you :drinker:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    The only detoxing I think should be done is from a hard night of drinking! Other than that, detoxing is a waste of time. Good for you.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Me neither, very sensible of you :happy:
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I am 'detoxing' the holiday sludge from my system by getting back to sensible eating with fruits, veggies and reasonable calorie limits. Glad you have decided to stay away from spending money on stuff that won't work.

    Maybe 'detox' isn't the right work - withdrawal may be a better term!
  • sars_68
    sars_68 Posts: 308 Member
    Good attitude to have - well done! :happy:
  • MollyDukes
    MollyDukes Posts: 233 Member
    I am not doing a detox...i had thought about it because i feel icky from all the holiday sludge but after researching it, i decided it's best to get back on tract and eat clean again. Lots of fruits and veggies and of course lots of h2o.

    Good luck to everyone in the new years:smile:
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I was expecting the usual post of "I'm on green tea and enemas for the next 12 weeks," but thankfully it seems you have a shed load of common sense :bigsmile:

    Now let's get this message out to all the detoxers and ditherers who can't see the only way forward to successfully lose weight and get fit is to BE HAPPY & HAVE FUN!!!

  • Fitdiva83
    Fitdiva83 Posts: 51 Member
    I'am currently detoxing just fruits,veggies,beans,water, green tea,and raw almonds. (My get a box of boca burger patties) I had a headache earlier but it passed. I'am doing it mostly for Gastro reasons. I'm only doing it for a week.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I am! My kidneys and liver are hard at work 24/7. :wink:
  • I'm detoxing (no processed foods, booze, non-fruit sugars, bread, pasta, etc) and on a limited calorie intake. Been doing it for a bit now. It's actually been working a lot better than anything I've tried to date, except for the limited calorie intake is holding me back exercise-wise.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I'm detoxing (no processed foods, booze, non-fruit sugars, bread, pasta, etc) and on a limited calorie intake. Been doing it for a bit now. It's actually been working a lot better than anything I've tried to date, except for the limited calorie intake is holding me back exercise-wise.

    And it will totally work awesome until you go back to eating like a normal person... and you'll gain everything back.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    It's actually been working a lot better than anything I've tried to date, except for the limited calorie intake is holding me back exercise-wise.

    So, it's working, but you're not working. That does sound good!
  • It's actually been working a lot better than anything I've tried to date, except for the limited calorie intake is holding me back exercise-wise.

    So, it's working, but you're not working. That does sound good!
    Nah, I still have to work, just not getting to do as much running as I would like to. Hopefully I can pick up the pace as I start mixing in some more calories. Just doing 45 min 3x a week of cardio now. Though it's wearing me down a bit... x.X
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    It's actually been working a lot better than anything I've tried to date, except for the limited calorie intake is holding me back exercise-wise.

    So, it's working, but you're not working. That does sound good!
    Nah, I still have to work, just not getting to do as much running as I would like to. Hopefully I can pick up the pace as I start mixing in some more calories. Just doing 45 min 3x a week of cardio now. Though it's wearing me down a bit... x.X

  • I'm detoxing (no processed foods, booze, non-fruit sugars, bread, pasta, etc) and on a limited calorie intake. Been doing it for a bit now. It's actually been working a lot better than anything I've tried to date, except for the limited calorie intake is holding me back exercise-wise.

    And it will totally work awesome until you go back to eating like a normal person... and you'll gain everything back.

    I think a lot of this is making long term lifestyle changes with food, for me. Just like some folks can't drink booze, it looks like I don't get to eat "normal people" food. Breaking down my diet into really basic, fresh, whole food units and slowly working up the calorie counts as I step up my fitness schedule. It sucks that I don't really get to eat pizza or takeaway twice a week any more. But if eating a more limited diet lets me reach my fitness goals, I'm totally willing to make that trade.

    It's probably not great for everyone. I just really like it.
  • Psalm17v22
    Psalm17v22 Posts: 168 Member
    I'm detoxing off of junk food. It's going to be a gnarly few days, but I'll feel better for having done it.

    God bless,
  • Milziemooxx
    Milziemooxx Posts: 104 Member
    This thread is amazing! Completely agree with you babe...

    If we want to eat chocolate then we will!!! (In moderation of course :wink:) xxx
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I am attempting the Whole Living cleanse.

    Basically no processed foods, no dairy, no gluten, no added sugar. I decided to skip ahead a few days and add in the fish earlier. 3 days in and had a few small cheats, but my calories are in the 1200-1400 neighborhood so so that seems OK by me. I'll probably decide to add back legumes a few days ahead of schedule.

    If I learn new veggie recipes, I'll call it a success.