In, it usually says if a food is raw or cooked.
Avoiding sugars for weight loss makes sense if sugars trigger food craving and overeating - in this case, you just avoid anything sweet. Fruits high in sugars: apples, pears. Soda has a lot of sugar. When a food has so little sugar you don't taste the sweetness so you consider it as "hidden sugar" it won't help you lose…
OP, if you feel bad when drinking diet soda and you believe it may prevent losing your weight, I support you in quitting it. A reasonable belief in peace that something might not be good for you is just enough. But you may want to look at this in a broader way. What do you want to achieve? You need to have some more…
Water intake has nothing much with weight loss except if you believe constantly filling your stomach with water can prevent hunger. This is a desperate technique if you ask me. You need to take so much water as you lose it (mainly by urinating and sweating). So if you drink enough, your weight from day to day will be about…
Why do you want to eat healthier? To achieve exactly what? Or to get rid of what?
The main carbs in fruits are glucose and fructose. By this tool ( you can check amount of carbs in fruits, for example glucose. Fruits, pears, plums, peaches and…
The best way to weigh yourself is in the morning, after going to bathroom and before breakfast, and always in about the same clothes. This way what you eat and drink during the day does not affect your weight. When you are well hydrated, you will excrete any additional water through urine within an hour or two. Eight…
Yes, exactly, this is what I know, but I was not sure if this is actually a *noticeable* effect. So, you actually drink more water because you feel that you have to... I appreciate all answers so far.
OK, what makes you drink more water — you are simply more thirsty? With other words — do you think you urinate more so you have to drink more?