Princesa4u Member


  • Wow! Fantastic! Thanks for sharing. I love success stories!! Keep up the great work!!
  • First of all.....CONGRATS ON LOSING 30LBS!! Can you please help me please? How many calories were you consuming per day? I've on my 3rd week of TurboFire, I lost 2lbs the first week and gained it the next! I'm trying to stick to 1200 recommended by MFP, but with the intensity I'm working out on, I should have lost no less…
  • Great advise. You are pretty much describing the Chalean Extreme program. She does all that with heavy weights. Since I'm so committed to completing TurboFire, I will getting myself mentally ready to do the Chalean Extreme 90 days after I'm done. I will end up with nice buns, abs, arms etc. It will be worth the torture of…
  • Oh I wish! I live in FL and everything is so flat! I want a badonkadonk! LOL!
  • Thank you all for your responses. I will definitely consider the heavy lifting. I just don't find them fun and in order for me to stick to any regimen long enough, I have to enjoy it. I even invested in Chalean Extreme (weight training "Go heavy or Go home"! and the the bowflex SelectTech, but can only get myself to do the…
  • I'm Hispanic and I can totally relate to this topic. I have curly hair, and until recently, was very long. I didn't go to the salon much because of the cost, I don't straighten my hair much because of how much time it takes, so before I invest my time or money, I have to consider possibly not working out for about a week…
  • You've all provided very good feedback and I definitely learned from it, but I can't help but notice the rude tone of a lot of the responses. Is it necessary? Aren't we here to help each other out without giving each other the third degree? I know you want to help, but when people feel attacked, they just get defensive and…
  • Yes, watch Fat, Sick & Nearly dead on NetFlix, its about a few individuals who transformed their health and weight through juicing. Its awesome. It motivated my husband and I to try it. Its HARD! The juices are awful for the most part, but I greatly believe in its benefits. I believe I lost 5lbs and my husband about 8lb.…