How did you achieve nice buns?

I lost close to 40lbs about two years ago mainly by speed walking and watching my food intake, but I lost my buns as well :-( I want them back, nice and firm. I am not a fan of heavy weights which I know are very effective. I am now doing TurboFire which is high intensity Kickboxing which includes lots of squats and lower body work. I love it and plan to finish the 90 days, any chance this can be enough to achieve my goal or must I suck it up and start lifting heavy weights?

Has anyone achieve nice buns with something other than weights? What did you do? How long did it take to see results?

Your advise is much appreciated.


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    The answer is to squat heavy. If you're not willing to do that, then do air squats, lunges and variations on those. The BeFit channel on YouTube has a good 30 Day Buttlift program that has some good workouts. But, really, nothing does for your bum what heavy squats do for it.
  • Honestly you have to lift weights to build muscle.

    This is what gives you the lifted and 'round' buns

    So I am in the corner of lifting weights to get a great bum :)
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Honestly you have to lift weights to build muscle.

    This is what gives you the lifted and 'round' buns

    So I am in the corner of lifting weights to get a great bum :)

    Yes. This. I too have TurboFire and have completed it several times, it never did or will do for me what heavy lifting has.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    heavy squats.. post parallel.

    just make sure you get the form right before adding on lots of weight.

    you can also add in walking lunges and hill runs
  • Spinning classes, cycling and running work well.
  • Holliehearts
    Holliehearts Posts: 9 Member
    I'm a recovering anorexic, and I've got the same problem in the bum area. It was pretty flat until I started squatting, and squatting heavy. Not only that but I do barbell glute raises (best to get some padding for the barbell for that though otherwise it hurts so bad). Also try doing some single leg glute bridges and leg raises with ankle weights on. If you're not keen on lifting heavy I'd start the last one I mentioned first and work your way up.

    Mind if I ask if there's any particular reason you don't want to lift heavy? I lift, and I absolutely love it!
  • Holliehearts
    Holliehearts Posts: 9 Member
    P.S I have awesome evidence that squatting heavy works, I take a lot of progress pics, but I don't think they're really suitable for the forums. The shorts are really small! LOL!
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    You can make gains with bodyweight squats and lunges, but it will take longer than weighted squats.
    I also like supermen, hip thrusters, and of course, deadlifts.
  • Princesa4u
    Princesa4u Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you all for your responses. I will definitely consider the heavy lifting. I just don't find them fun and in order for me to stick to any regimen long enough, I have to enjoy it. I even invested in Chalean Extreme (weight training "Go heavy or Go home"! and the the bowflex SelectTech, but can only get myself to do the first month. I do want nice buns really bad so since you are all confirming the same things, I guess I will try my best to go heavy (after I'm done with the 90 day TurboFire). Thanks so much once again!
  • If you're into walking but not lifting, try power walking up and down serious hills. I did that last year while recovering from surgery and was surprised that I ended up with a puffy, firm butt (or as Phaedra would say, badonkadonk!).
  • meghannrenee
    meghannrenee Posts: 202 Member
    TF is a great cardio program, but if you want to build a butt you need weights. Weighted squats, lunges (forward, back, side, etc), deadlifts. Do different variations and speeds on the squats and lunges. Do bridges with weights on your hips. Old school mat work with leg lifts help to target different areas (think Buns of Steel - old old school but it works). Cycling and running work wonders too... oh, and I've heard that weighted step-ups (not sure what the official name is) work too - hold weights at your sides, step up onto something about bench height, step back down, etc.
    And mix it up - if your body gets used to what you're doing it won't continue adapting and giving you results.
  • Princesa4u
    Princesa4u Posts: 9 Member
    If you're into walking but not lifting, try power walking up and down serious hills. I did that last year while recovering from surgery and was surprised that I ended up with a puffy, firm butt (or as Phaedra would say, badonkadonk!).

    Oh I wish! I live in FL and everything is so flat! I want a badonkadonk! LOL!
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    Squats!!!!! And more squats!!!
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    I think this thread is useless without pictures.
  • The answer is to squat heavy. If you're not willing to do that, then do air squats, lunges and variations on those. The BeFit channel on YouTube has a good 30 Day Buttlift program that has some good workouts. But, really, nothing does for your bum what heavy squats do for it.
    Yup. I have almost no fat on my *kitten*, just two hard lumps of muscle.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    I'm confused. I see people with nice bums everywhere. I never or rarely see people squat. It can't be the only solution.
  • Agreed with most people here. I do weighted squats. Among all the stuff involved in the P90x program. Plyo, Yoga X, Core syn, etc. I love it :D
  • Princesa4u
    Princesa4u Posts: 9 Member
    TF is a great cardio program, but if you want to build a butt you need weights. Weighted squats, lunges (forward, back, side, etc), deadlifts. Do different variations and speeds on the squats and lunges. Do bridges with weights on your hips. Old school mat work with leg lifts help to target different areas (think Buns of Steel - old old school but it works). Cycling and running work wonders too... oh, and I've heard that weighted step-ups (not sure what the official name is) work too - hold weights at your sides, step up onto something about bench height, step back down, etc.
    And mix it up - if your body gets used to what you're doing it won't continue adapting and giving you results.

    Great advise. You are pretty much describing the Chalean Extreme program. She does all that with heavy weights. Since I'm so committed to completing TurboFire, I will getting myself mentally ready to do the Chalean Extreme 90 days after I'm done. I will end up with nice buns, abs, arms etc. It will be worth the torture of heavy weights :-) Thanks a lot.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    If you're into walking but not lifting, try power walking up and down serious hills. I did that last year while recovering from surgery and was surprised that I ended up with a puffy, firm butt (or as Phaedra would say, badonkadonk!).

    Oh I wish! I live in FL and everything is so flat! I want a badonkadonk! LOL!
    then do stairs
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    lifting heavy things