2BSEXY48 Member


  • Im in too. DAY ONE - Recumbant bike - 30 min / Walking 30 min. This is a great motivator! Glad to join!! :)
  • I am looking to loose 30 pds and i eat 1500 calories per day and i have lost 10 pds in one month. This is healthy and im not depriving myself.
  • I am not on a low carb diet and i have lost ten pounds so far...so i do not think its water weight. In my opinion, the number of calories you consume will make or break your weight loss...but i have been eating healthy calories with a few indulgent treats every now and then and this site is helping me reach my goals...its…
  • Great Job! that is so exciting when you see the numbers going down! Keep up the good work! I have done this site for a week and a half and already lost 3 lbs! It really does work!
  • I am new to this site as well....this site makes it so easy to track your food...its up to you to stick to it! By using MFP, i have learned how to control my portions and the kinds of foods that i eat..and it makes me more aware of what i am eating. My plan for now is fruit , oatmeal, or a slim fast for breakfast, then a…
  • Most of the day , i am sedentary because i have a desk job. I log vacumming, going up and down the stairs, etc because it is physical activity and you do burn calories while doing this just as you do when you exercise. There is nothing wrong with this...every little bit makes a difference! I wish everyone the best of luck!!