silverharmony Member


  • but he's my favorite know it all!!! mr boss sir do you have a site where you have compiled all your extremely helpful posts? i want it all in one place!! (yes i know i can search by posts you have made, but it pulls all replies and stuff too...not fun to sift thru... ~H
  • i love the story of meeting my hubby :-D so i had a girlfriend call and say she was going to Dead Can Dance (awesome medieval/goth-ish type group) and she was seeing which friends wanted to go. i said absolutely, as did 2 other friends. one of them i knew, the other i had never met before. so i went to her place first,…
  • You know, Laura i see you post all the time. you are always very supportive and encouraging. i havent been browsing as much as i usually do, and today i saw a comment you had left on someone else's post, saw the picture and thought, NO WAY!! then saw your ticker!! 40lbs down?!?!?!?! so i had to check your profile pics to…
  • down to 150 even!! so total of 28.6 lbs lost... 5 more and i am within a healthy weight to start replacing fat with muscle... ~Harmony
  • still fluctuating between 26-27 lbs lost...been busy at work and home with kids playing outside :-D so i keep forgetting to post... need to kick myself into gear this week!! been maintaining but not really working at losing the past few weeks... ~H
  • I went from 27 lost to 26 :-( ALMOST a 2 pound gain last week. missed posting last week due to some major illness in the family, but next WI is wednesday...lets see if i can at least maintain... ~Harm
  • Morning! CW : 153 as of last week GW : 135-140 ~Harm
  • **im only taking in MAYBE 500-800 cal a day. which is not good obviously. ** Hun, you are in starvation mode. probably have been for a long time. your body stores everything it can as fat so it has a reserve to pull from. Then it pulls from that reserve because it isnt getting enough nutrition. then it stores it again.…
  • i have read about 26 of those and have another 15 or so in audio format that i havent gotten to of my faves is on that list Good Omens - Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett No Stephen Donaldson or Orson Scott Card on that list?? awwww ~H
  • I would like to join if i can! 27lbs lost :-)
  • I dont know much about PX90, but from what i have heard, Chalean is a shorter workout...the sessions tend to run about 30 minutes or so... i personally do Chalean's...with some TurboJam mixed in for fun...and i LOVE it...the gym i have at work is doing a strength training program similar to chalean's so i had the trainer…