Afields6780 Member


  • Hi from Iowa! I've been at this for a while and am back again but all my friends are inactive! Would like to meet some genuinely good friends! We need all the support we can get!
  • I forgot if anyone else can relate and needs support, send me a friend request. Most my friends are inactive now since I've been chugging along for so long!
  • So many people can relate including me. If you need some motivation add me as a friend. Im starting over after losing 160 pounds and gaining 50 back. Here's to us. We can do anything!
  • Hi all 36 seems to be the big number! My names Amanda and I'm a stay home mom to my 4 boys and my daughter who I'm adopting at the moment. I really need some friends and support of People who have been through being 400 +pounds! I started my journey 3 years ago and lost 150 pounds. Life happened and I had other things to…
  • Looking for new friends! I've lost 120 pounds thanks to the help of mfp. I still have with 150+ still to go... I've had some awesome friends but I've been on here so long that many have graduated to maintaining and not active in supporting eachother on mfp. I'm looking for friends similar to me and don't mind me…
  • That's Fricken AMAZING! It just goes to show you no matter how tall the climb we all have it in us to succeed. Thank you for your inspiration! -Amanda
  • Being on the bigger side the fact that I have lost 47 pounds doesn't really show that well... I look in the mirror and see the same thing i saw on 4/27 my start date!! I have started to notice little things though... The seat belt thing was a big one for me too!! I had to buy a extender in my van because i have short legs…
  • barrilla plus or havest heart by ronzoni my kids eat both these and they dont even notice the difference...
    in PASTA! Comment by Afields6780 July 2010
  • I am in your same boat although I stayed within my calorie limited I ate a ton of salt on my fresh tomatoes and cucumbers from my garden as well as all the sodium in the stuff i eat.... i gain almost 10 pounds back in less that 7 days.... i flipped out because i have just started and It was over half my weight loss....…
  • Moderation moderation moderation,,,,, we can and deserve when the time is right and if we make the best choice we can make. We are humans with busy lifes and sometimes there is a need and all we can do is pick the best choice we can and be happy with it. Eatting out is obviouosly not the choice of most considering what you…
  • it estimates me at a loss of 6 lbs a week which is alot and i am only loosing 2 - 3 i just started 3 weeks ago
  • I change it up often gets boring otherwise. .. here is what i have been eatting this week. Kelloggs Smart Start- Strong heart Maple brown sugar
  • I am 30 and just starting this journey myself. I have only been here for less than 2 weeks and love it. There are such sweet supportive people on here who encourage you with their stories and offer advice along the way. I have found it helps me be accountable to my self as you see the progress you have made right in front…
  • You go girl!!