

  • I had a Garmin 500 and loved it, but my wife just got a new road bike and wanted a 500 and I wanted a 800 (my eyes need the bigger display). So I gave her the 500 and bought myself a new 800. Both are great, the larger display on the 800 really helps a lot. I tried the turn by turn once on a sunny day and couldn't see the…
  • My wife too is considering a breast reduction. Me being me I keep telling her I love her just the way she is, in reality I'd prefer she get the breast reduction...
  • While the physical aspects of a women are not my highest priority, if I have to talk only about the physical.... I guess I'm not the typical guy. I prefer women that are thinner with smaller breasts. Quite honestly to me I like long, shapely legs and and small rear end also. However, I also prefer women that are darker…
  • Thanks everyone. This is great having people with the same interests. I look forward to hearing and sharing many topics with all of you.