

  • I'm finding it hard too but keep going. One bad day doesn't mean failure!
  • Brisk walking - not that I always practice what I preach! Costs nothing, especially up and down the stairs at home so I am just slightly out of breath. If my neighbours could see me they would think I had lost my mind lol. I could drop lbs easily when I was younger if I just ate more sensibly - now I have to cut right down…
  • Just seen this - good one! I must also learn to drink more during the day as I really do find that helps.
  • I'm sitting here feeling quite hungry for a change - having done fairly well in the last few weeks. Its 1.20am here (UK) so perhaps bed is the best bet! Going on holiday soon and really hoping I can maintain my current high motivation. Will let you know how I got on when I get back. Perhaps I can swim every day and get…
  • It may be part of her personal strategy - have a month with this fairly rigid diet first then when motivated because she will have lost some weight - start to branch out to eating a more life long diet. Different things work for different people.