AJs_mommy09 Member


  • With Kale and Spinach, after I cook it (usually boil it) I throw it in a pan with some olive oil, tomatoes, and mushrooms. Slice a chicken breast to form a pocket. Stuff veggies in the pocket. Season with Italian seasonings and bake at 350 until done. Sprinkle with some parmesan cheese and put it back in the oven until…
  • Everyone I know who is overweight or obese know that they are. They don't need to be told. Maybe inviting them to join you as an exercise partner or something but to comment on anyone else's weight is just plain rude.
  • If you don't want to talk to a professional, you have to find another outlet. If it's the pain that makes you feel better, try using a rubber band. Keep one around your wrist and whenever you get the urge, give it a snap. Try doing something constructive when you get that "I can't breathe" feeling... exercising, painting,…