


  • I challenge you to go tell your parents right now that you would like to see a professional counselor. You do not have to tell them about the cutting if you do not want to but tell them you feel that it would be in your best interest to see one. If you do not have coverage to see one if you are a teenager most major cities have a teen health centre that provide free services or you might have one at school.

    If you really feel like you cannot tell your parents the alternative is to immediately book an appointment yourself or call a helpline.

    That is my challenge to you, you really should accept it.

    Do not put it off... you will always find an excuse to put it off

    Well ....i went to therapist growing up....i guess i just had a negative experience because i hate them....even tho i have a family member who is one.....i just dont like them......they dont help me ...they make me feel worse

    you cannot base that off of an experience with one therapist. there are some crappy therapists out there, there are also times when therapists and patients don't mesh well together, sometimes it takes some shopping around to find the right one. you need to be open to trying it again. professional counseling would not have survived so long if it do not have positive effects for so many people... if everyone walk away feeling worse the profession would have died out. it can help... even if you doubt that it will... what you're doing is not help right? so do you have a better option?

    Well in all honesty....i feel better already having got that off my chest...before posting ...i felt the urge to cut again and i was feeling guilty about already having cut...i still feel guilty but the urge has gone away for now
  • purrmeow
    purrmeow Posts: 10 Member
    I challenge you to go tell your parents right now that you would like to see a professional counselor. You do not have to tell them about the cutting if you do not want to but tell them you feel that it would be in your best interest to see one. If you do not have coverage to see one if you are a teenager most major cities have a teen health centre that provide free services or you might have one at school.

    If you really feel like you cannot tell your parents the alternative is to immediately book an appointment yourself or call a helpline.

    That is my challenge to you, you really should accept it.

    Do not put it off... you will always find an excuse to put it off

    Well ....i went to therapist growing up....i guess i just had a negative experience because i hate them....even tho i have a family member who is one.....i just dont like them......they dont help me ...they make me feel worse

    There are bad ones, but then there are amazing ones. Please give it another try. I know it's difficult to go in the first place and to go and feel worse is hard but please try again.
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    I hate therapist too.....but you should at least find someone to talk to.....for everyone who condemns her for posting on here...she is just looking for someone to talk to ...clearly she doesnt want to talk to anyone in her close life otherwise she would have posted with her real profile....sometimes us teens just need someone/anyone to talk to ......Ohmywhy02....i hope things get better for prayers go out to you!
  • You have to find a way to stop. Cutting is an addiction and it can be dangerous. I started cutting when I was fourteen. It is unhealthy. And once you start cutting it becomes more difficult to stop. Even in my first year of college I would find myself thinking "if I just cut right now I'll be able to get through the week/day/class/hour. It's a downward spiral. I'm recovered now but still struggle with it daily. I have a great life, a supportive family, a wonderful boyfriend but sometimes I still want to cut. Also, when I first started I thought I would never attempt suicide. I wasn't suicidal it was just a coping mechanism. As my cutting got worse and wasn't enough though suicide became a viable option. I have attempted suicide four times. After the last time I got clean.

    I don't like talking to other people about my problems so therapy isn't really my style. I keep a journal and sometimes that is the only thing that prevents me from relapsing. I do recommend telling your parents though. And try therapy because you never know, you may like it. And find other activities that help distract you. I knit and crochet, or workout when I'm feeling down. And feel free to add me, I'm always willing to listen. :)
  • PattyCake123
    PattyCake123 Posts: 156 Member
    I would check out your college's health center, many colleges offer not only physical wellness but mental wellness too. I used my college's therapist to get through a lot of rough patches and as an outlet, and I know it can be hard to get started with getting help, but once you start it can really make a difference. I also found it helpful that the person I was talking to was completely non judgmental and a third party who had no other part in my life other than to listen to me once a week. As a former cutter, it is a very hard thing to get through and to stop, and I understand why people do it. I cut through high school and managed to stop in my freshman year of college only to restart less than a year later. I now have not cut in over 2 years and am able to manage any urges i might have (they have gone away for the most part but every now and then it's still there with certain triggers). Please look into getting help, whether it is going to your parents and asking for help or trying to find help through your campus health center, just please try and take that first step. Good luck to you and my thoughts are with you!
  • AJs_mommy09
    AJs_mommy09 Posts: 3 Member
    If you don't want to talk to a professional, you have to find another outlet. If it's the pain that makes you feel better, try using a rubber band. Keep one around your wrist and whenever you get the urge, give it a snap. Try doing something constructive when you get that "I can't breathe" feeling... exercising, painting, writing (journaling). I think talking to a professional would be in your best interest, but if you are completely against it, there are other options. And FYI, telling your parents may cause them pain, but how much pain will they feel if you cut too deep? Or if they see the scars and know that you felt like you couldn't confide in them?
  • annemw82
    annemw82 Posts: 97 Member

    This site and forum helped me so much when I was dealing with my addiction to self harm. Lots of good people struggling with similar issues and lots of good information.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    As a recovered cutter myself, you need to seek professional help. I would recommend a Psychiatrist rather than a therapist. You may have an underlying mental disorder. After I sought treatment, I was diagnosed as bipolar and began medication. I haven't cut since and my life is so much better now. Cutting is not a disorder, it is a symptom.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member

    This site and forum helped me so much when I was dealing with my addiction to self harm. Lots of good people struggling with similar issues and lots of good information.

    I second this site! I was a member when my self-harm was at its worst. Excellent community with strong support and good information.

    There are also books you can read to understand the issues that lead people to self-harm. I'll look up some of the ones I read and post them.

    As others said, you may want to give therapy a try again. You'd want a therapist with experience treating self-harm. It's sometimes not easy to find a therapist you can trust, but there are so many excellent ones out there. At the least, you may want to be evaluated to find out if you have clinical depression or other underlying issue. Treating that can help you stop cutting.
  • fit443
    fit443 Posts: 93 Member
    So many good pieces of advice, all higgledy-piggledy in with no rhyme nor reason. Do you have 1 person in your life who will take this seriously, support you, but hold you accountable to getting help? The depression will make it very hard to do anything at all. I second the challenge - stop hiding it, at least with one person. Can you think of one strong, healthy, take-charge person you can trust with this? Tell that one, and ask them to help you.