

  • I am in a program that is at the Cleveland Clinic, one of the country's best hospitals. The nutritionist has told our group that moderation is the key and that these sweetners are ok in small amounts. A better subsitiue is an all natural product called aguave nectar. We are learning how to use this as a replacement to…
  • Wow! :happy: I have been trying to lose for a long time with no progress at all, but this new program I am on seems to be working. Down 12 lbs in two weeks! I am sure it is what I am eating (or not eating) because I am still not working out as much as I should. I would really like to take some of the weight off my knees…
  • Please don't do that to yourself. As my Yoga instructor says, we all have moments of weakness, it is how we pick ourselves up and continue on that is important. You are doing a great job and it is okay to slip once in awhile. :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks to everyone for the great welcome.
  • I started on the website yesterday, and am really excited at what this site offers. I have an extreme amount of weight to lose, and I just needed someplace to help me track and stay on track. I am doing a program under a hospital's supervision, but I will be sharing my success and failures here. I have not exercised in…
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