1badvan Member


  • you may gain a few pounds upping your calories, but that is a good thing, as long as you are eating healthy foods. If you starve yourself your body will go into starvation mode and retain fat. Upping the calories may first lead to weight gain but then lead to a more steady decline in weight. One of my favorite podcasts…
  • My work is busy in the summer and slow in the winter, so during the winter we get 30 mins 3 times a week to do exercise. We (the employees) bought a portable basketball hoop at a yard sale and we play 21 or other games. Some just go for a 30 min walk, and we also have a small weight set and bench to use.
  • In all reality any exercise program will help you, especially if you are not at an advanced fitness level. The key is to do something rather than nothing. So do the one you find the funnest or the most enjoyable for your style, or switch them up on different days. In 60 Days you should be able to see good results if you…
  • Like others have said you have to not eat "too little" calories also, I know that the calories i am tracking with this site is about 300 calories per day more than my BMR, and that is great for an average day, but on a day i am exercising like lushy20 said you may need to add some calories to avoid the "starvation mode" of…
  • You can use the search function to find the threads on plateaus., My suggestion would be take a look at and re evaluate your eating, if you use a BMR calculator that will tell you the minimum calories you need to survive and then you should add la percentage to that depending on your activity level. There has been a lot of…