Feeling blah...

I was supposed to weigh in yesterday, and I did. But I found that I stayed at the same weight. I know I shouldn't expect major results and I know I have a long way to go. But this is the first week that I had zero loss. I stayed under my calorie goal each day, I worked out each day. I had calories left at the end of the day. I don't know if I should eat my exercise calories (I don't ever eat them all) or what. So this week I am doing my 45 minute walk away the pounds video each day, and making an effort JUST to eat my calories and not my exercise ones and see if that helps. I am trying not to get discouraged, but it's hard.


  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    It happens! Don't beat yourself up... sometimes the body just needs more time than you'd like to give it to figure out the calorie balance you provide, but once it does it becomes really efficient at culling extra fat (assuming you haven't put yourself in the dreaded starvation mode). Hang in there--it'll get better!
  • grlaurie
    grlaurie Posts: 77 Member
    I remember feeling the exact same way in about the 5 week or so and someone told me to measure and I was thrilled that there was a difference in the measurements. Just keep at it~
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    i eat my 1200 calories a day plus some of my exercise calories if needed.
    sounds like you may be putting your body into starvation mode so its slowed your metabolism down.
    i think you need to eat that bit more to reach the minimum calorie intake that you are supposed to have,
    hopefully you will see some change next week.
  • BlueOwlz
    It's always disappointing to not see zero loss. The bright side is that you didn't gain either. If you met your calorie and exercise goals (it sounded like you exceeded them!) then it is very likely just your body fluids fluctuating. When that happens I try to focus on the things I've done right and know that the lbs will follow.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    it happen...you might want to take your mesurments, usually when you do not see the scale move, you will still lose inches. You can afford a bigger defecit right now so it's not because you do not eat your exercices calories. Just persevere, it will mve eventually.
  • feetypajamas
    feetypajamas Posts: 104 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Weighed the same. My dr wanted me to lose between 10-15lbs this month, and I'm averaging 2lbs a week. :( I have to do something to step it up. More exercise, here I come!
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    My Dr. lost 85 lbs and was kind enough to share with me her journey along with her before pic.
    She told me to not be surprised by plateaus even if I'm doing "everything right". That the body needs to make adjustments perhaps every 5 lbs or so and there is nothing to do but perservere and have patience knowing that it WILL come off.
    She also told me that sometimes her plateau would last days, weeks and even a month!
    BUT ...
    she did it. Hung in there even when it was frustrating and she wanted to give up.

    She is my new source of inspiration to do this and I will definitely hear her words about plateaus and when I hit one (which I no doubt will) to also exercise patience and a willingness to have faith.

    I have FINALLY learned not to put timelines on my weight loss. I've only ever found that frustrating and infuriating and defeating when I haven't met those goals EVEN THOUGH I WAS LOSING WEIGHT!!! Just not fast enough for my impatient self.
  • 1badvan
    1badvan Posts: 5 Member
    Like others have said you have to not eat "too little" calories also, I know that the calories i am tracking with this site is about 300 calories per day more than my BMR, and that is great for an average day, but on a day i am exercising like lushy20 said you may need to add some calories to avoid the "starvation mode" of eating too little and slowing down your loss, but it may just be a bad week and we all have them. I started exercising 2 more hours a week and have yet to see a loss in a week. YOu may just get a BIG loss next week!!
    Another idea is to eat more often (not eat more just more often) This keeps your metabolism running and burning more calories. My mom has lost 50 lbs over 8 months with just eating more often and eating healthy choices
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    what about zig zagging for a bit? eat all your calories back on day, only some of them the next, go minimum one day and maximum the next day...just kind of keep your body thinking
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Hello! Well I've had this happen before and its so frustrating! I'm not sure how often you weigh yourself, but if it is everyday you might try spacing it out. Also, most likely your body has become accustomed to the amount of calories that you are eating/exercising. I would advise changing up your exercise routine & or calorie intake. Ususally if you eat an extra hundred or hundred and fifty calories your body will react and lose the weight. My friend goes through this all the time and that is what she does. Hope this helps.