lmclean58 Member


  • Some suggestions: Take some 'emergency' snacks with you. Just in case you don't find anything you can eat there. (a baggy with veggies, one with a single serving of nuts, and SF beverages) Keep it in your pocket (that's what cargo pants are for). Depending on the diet you're following, bring the food you need to eat. If…
  • Waldenfam2 - Your MIL should definitely look for another Dr. Maybe an endocrinologist? or at least a Dr with more experience with diabetes. I test 3x daily. On one Dr visit when I saw the RN instead, she said I could drop to 1x/day (this was only 3 weeks after I'd been diagnosed) since I'd lost 15 lbs and had been walking…
  • Hi scooterhaz, Looks like you have all the right tests lined up. Just a suggestion. I find that keeping a written record of all my test results with me when I go to the Dr helps. That way when we are discussing my latest test results, I can compare it with my former results and ask better questions. I use a tablet with the…
  • Like many other posters, I've done it. I was older, had one failed marriage (about 9 years previous) and we'd known each other in college and still had one very good friend in common. So I had a safety net. We'll celebrate 20 years married this June. I was 30, moved 800 miles (Seattle to San Francisco) after reconnecting…
  • Hi Natalie, Maybe my story will help a bit. I was diagnosed in Dec 2011 and we caught things pretty early. My A1c was only at 6.8 (still bad). The first thing I did was to get a pedometer, a couple books on Type 2 diabetes and my test kit. Since then I've watched my diet (it's not a diet if I have to eat this way forever),…
  • Northern California - Sonoma County (land of wine and Redwoods)
  • I'm a landlord in CA. In many cities and counties it is illegal to smoke in common areas in apartment buildings and public places. In my county an ordinance was just passed that makes it illegal to smoke within 25 feet of an exterior door or window; smoking in common areas of apartment complexes is illegal and smoking in…