

  • eat less carbs and more protein. worry less about calories and more about limiting your carbs and adding protein to every meal...try not to eat frozen meals that have lots of sodium in them:) i notice when i do this..i am always full. try drinking protein water or shakes after you work out..or when you are hungry.
  • To keep your metabolism up, make sure you are eating lean protein. Also, I was told that you should not go below 1000 calories a day. I would suggest to keep your metabolism up, doing more weights and eating a lot of protein. Still do cardio at least 3x a week but mix it up w/ weights, yoga, pilates..this really seemed to…
  • i found a gym w/ daycare. it's hard at first but spending the $$ on daycare actually helps because i feel like i want to make the most out of my workout and not leave early!
  • Just had a question, i've been sticking to my 1200 calories, working out 4x a week and my weight hasn't moved for 2 weeks. i have been doing weight lifting though, so i'm wondering if this is why? would anyone suggest not lifting weights or doing something different?
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