What is going ON!?

I've been really good latley about sticking to my 1200 calories per day and exercising and I've started to lose some weight. Then starting Monday it's like I can't get enough food to eat. I've been eating things that are supposed to "stick" like Oatmeal but I NEVER feel full or even full enough to where I want to stop eating. It seriously feels like it did when I was about 7 months preggo lol. I'm constantly going over my calorie limit and not even feeling satisfied... what is going on? How can I make the madness stop? :sad:


  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I get that way the week before my TOM. I call it the 'bottomless pit stomach'. Mine is all mental but very difficult to control.
  • vdpal
    vdpal Posts: 64 Member
    Don't feel bad; I am struggling with that very same thing.
  • cwvanek
    cwvanek Posts: 111
    I get that way the week before my TOM. I call it the 'bottomless pit stomach'. Mine is all mental but very difficult to control.
    Hmm... my TOM is due in about a week and a half... maybe this is why.
    Yay.... another reason to hate TOM :P Not only do I bloat and temporarily gain about 5 lbs... now Aunite Flow is really trying to fatten me up! :grumble:
  • krissymlit
    eat less carbs and more protein. worry less about calories and more about limiting your carbs and adding protein to every meal...try not to eat frozen meals that have lots of sodium in them:)
    i notice when i do this..i am always full. try drinking protein water or shakes after you work out..or when you are hungry.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I get like this if I am dehydrated also. Not just enough water, but if I have had enough water but not enough salts so the water doesn't "stick".

    Hope you feel better. Try gum instead of eating. That sometimes works to get me out of the pattern.
  • eglass64
    eglass64 Posts: 180
    I keep up with water, and protien, works for me. Good Luck
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    I definitely get that way around my TOM. Snack good and healthy tho.. Keep up the good work.. and don't forget to eat your exercise cals. Your body needs them. :wink:
  • chellebelle315
    couple of things.....90 percent of the time when we feel hungry, we're not hungry we're dehydrated. Before you eat anything drink some water, wait 15 minutes and see how you feel.

    If you really are hungry all the time, a couple of things this usually means for me:

    1. I need potassium....bananas help.
    2. I need iron. Medium rare lean red meat, or if you're not a meat eater....dark leafy greens or beets will help with this.
    3. I'm just hungry. If you've been working out/exercising and sticking to a 1200 calorie diet for a couple of weeks, you may be in a higher calorie deficit than is really good for you...try upping your calories (with healthy calories.) eat your exercise calories for a couple of days out of the week, see if this evens you out.

    Just my two cents IMHO
  • chickylet
    I've been really good latley about sticking to my 1200 calories per day and exercising and I've started to lose some weight. Then starting Monday it's like I can't get enough food to eat. I've been eating things that are supposed to "stick" like Oatmeal but I NEVER feel full or even full enough to where I want to stop eating. It seriously feels like it did when I was about 7 months preggo lol. I'm constantly going over my calorie limit and not even feeling satisfied... what is going on? How can I make the madness stop? :sad:
    Try adding some whey protein powder to your oatmeal. I have a great oatmeal receipe that is in the thin kitchen cookbook from beachbody, it 1 cup cooked oats, one scoop of whey protein, mine is vanilla, cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of natural peanut butter. I love it and it's just over 300 cal and it keeps you full. You should give it a try.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    eat better foods= complex carb with a protein.

    I eat oatmeal every morning But I also put a scoop of unflavored protein in it- makes it very creamy and keeps me full until I have my am snack which is something small. then 2-3 hours later its lunch time
  • emilyjacebeau3
    emilyjacebeau3 Posts: 7 Member
    I get the same way, every month, one week before my TOM. I tried fighting it for a few months, and felt really bad about myself because I didn't stay on track. But now I try not to get so down on myself. I try to stay on track the rest of the month, and find that giving into my cravings occasionally and just limiting them the rest of the time works for me. Right after my TOM, I drop the most weight the fastest...so it always makes me feel better!! Don't be too hard on yourself!:wink:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I get like this when I try to restrict my calories too much for too long. After a while I start being cold all the time and losing my appetite. Try 1400/1500 instead of 1200. As a previous poster said thirst can make you feel hungry. Beans and protein (like in a chili) will make you feel full for a loooong time:wink:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Bottomless pit syndrome. I don't get it either...even when I "fill up" on supposedly filling, high fiber foods and protein, I still feel hungry some days. TOM is the worst for sure, and generally the week before it.
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    I feel very satisfied when I eat meals that combine good carbs, protein & veggies.
    Like brown rice + chicken breast or ground turkey or eggs + steamed veggies.

    And not to gloat....... OK! I will........... :laugh: :heart: :laugh:
    ONE thing to look forward to about getting older, is.............
    No More TOM! YES!!! Lemmee tell ya girls.
    It be AWEsome!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :laugh: